SQL data to fancy graphs

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

New job and they are using spreadsheets to track the movement of items we work on. They also use paper timesheets that then need scanning in etc.

I've suggested for a start we move to a web based SQL version. Employee's can enter tasks and times taken directly into it. We can enter item information in, then as staff work on them we can track how long each item took, who did it etc. Track the complete life of each item from in to out.

We'd also like clients to be able to log in to a customer area and be able to see updates on how many items we have, how many are in each area and how many have been completed. (It will also end up getting tied into invoicing and estimates and they want to move from manual entry, to automating it with NFC's but that is down the line)

I know HTML, ok with CSS and I can muddle through with PHP and SQL. I am pretty good with Python too. Question is, how can I take the info from the SQL dbase and present it in a professional looking way?

Are there any languages, frameworks etc that I should be looking at? Any books or online guides? anything on Lynda I can watch?
Thanks for all the info and links, it'll take me a while to sort through it all and make a decision on what to try first but I hope it'll be smooth sailing after that :D
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