SQL Help please!

24 Sep 2005
I've spent the past while trying different ways to format this SQL query so that it works, but to no success...

Basically I want the php code to insert a row in a table (faults) and then to update the status of a computer in another table (computer).

So something like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO Fault SET CompID='$CompID', Type='$Type', Description='$Description', StaffID='$StaffID', TechID='Unknown'";

Together with:

$sql = "UPDATE Workstation SET
WHERE CompID='$CompID'";

I have no idea how to combine these two queries... someone mentioned INNER JOIN but I cant get my head around that to any success either! Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction? Cheers
Mr^B said:
You have to do the queries one at a time, as there's an INSERT and then an UPDATE which you can't combine (no matter how many tables you join together).

so the first query will be the insert one.

INSERT INTO Fault VALUES($CompID, etcetc)

The next one will be the update.

UPDATE Workstation SET blah=x WHERE

How would I go about combining them in PHP though? At the mo, the SQL query is triggered by a Submit button from a form. I was going to separate them, but didnt realise you could have more than one SQL statement.
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