Squaregain - Stock trading

28 Jul 2005
I recently joined Squaregain to make some £ on the stock market, now is it just me or are most prices for brokers updated at the end of the day etc. Surely, this can't be right, I though there was supposed to be some sort of ticker so you can buy and sell every 15 mins? :)
Skyfire said:
I recently joined Squaregain to make some £ on the stock market, now is it just me or are most prices for brokers updated at the end of the day etc. Surely, this can't be right, I though there was supposed to be some sort of ticker so you can buy and sell every 15 mins? :)
Most online brokers will have real-time prices, in as much as there are any prices*.

When exchanges close, closing prices are published (which are calculated according to various criteria, but are generally just the closing prices).

You can still trade off-exchange, which is called OTC (over the counter), but that will generally be on derivative instruments (effectively what spread-betting is), and the underlying is traded on a grey exchange - this is why the opening price the next day can be different to the closing price the day before.

As to making money - I hope you have a massive wedge behind you, and know how to spot a liquid market - day trading is all about trading liquidity, as opposed to "spotting a winner".

*What you actually see are bids and offers from people that wish to buy and sell, and at what price they are willing to do that.
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