I’ve been going to the gym for 9 months and I’ve been squatting for 6. I usually do 4 sets of 10 reps. I start with a 60k warm up followed by 3 sets which increase between 20 and 30k each time. I’ve got two problems. The first problem is my knees have started to bend inwards. While this isn’t causing me any pain it is making the heavier weights harder to lift. I’ve read it’s to do with weak hip muscles so how can I stop this from happening? Will any kind of knee support help? The second problem I have is confidence to lift heavier weights. I use a bench so I don’t squat down too far but on two occasions I’ve not had the strength to lift the weight back up and I’ve ended up in the sitting position with the weight resting on my shoulders. This has put me off squatting heavier weights. I’ve tried using the Smith Machine but I didn’t like the feel of it and the squat rack I use has no support. My mate usually spots me but he’s only there to stop me from falling backwards. Is there a set method to spotting during squats and would the leg press help me because I don’t want to stop squatting? Thanks.