I'm having a little play around with Squid 3 running on a ubuntu server at home.
It works. I made a backup of the squid.conf file and added an acl in to block as an learning experience.
It worked!
I commented out the acl using the # symbol, stopped/restarted squid but was still blocked.
I removed the acl entirely. Stopped/restarted squid and again is blocked.
Super odd. So I restored the original squid.conf file.
I've moved on from trying to figure out why I couldn't unblock, however I have noticed that some sites work through the proxy whilst others do not. "The proxy server is refusing connections" is the message. I've figured this out. Becuase it wasnt using the proxy!
This is with a default out of the box config file.
Also does any one know how to turn on https proxying? If I enable https proxy in Firefox, I start seeing denied entries in the access.log file. But by default HTTPS seems to be enabled in squid. so I am still confused. Because it doesn't work!
It works. I made a backup of the squid.conf file and added an acl in to block as an learning experience.
It worked!
I commented out the acl using the # symbol, stopped/restarted squid but was still blocked.
I removed the acl entirely. Stopped/restarted squid and again is blocked.
Super odd. So I restored the original squid.conf file.
I've moved on from trying to figure out why I couldn't unblock, however I have noticed that some sites work through the proxy whilst others do not. "The proxy server is refusing connections" is the message. I've figured this out. Becuase it wasnt using the proxy!
This is with a default out of the box config file.
Also does any one know how to turn on https proxying? If I enable https proxy in Firefox, I start seeing denied entries in the access.log file. But by default HTTPS seems to be enabled in squid. so I am still confused. Because it doesn't work!
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