SSD Query

22 Jan 2018
Durham, UK
Hi, just a quick one.

I've recently bought a PC from Overclockers and installed the OS (Windows 10 Home) on to the SSD for a quicker boot but was wondering would you suggest also installing software to it as well or just use the hard drive and keep everything separate?

- 250GB SSD.

Yeah, at the minute I've only got the Windows 10, Steam client and Chrome installed on the SSD and then all of the HDD free but I might just use that as a back-up.
Anything you access regularly should, as far as possible, be on the SSD. There's little point leaving a large portion of the SSD empty.

Agree entirely. Use the HDD for storing data, media etc, and any big games you don't play much, and then just move games between the SSD and HDD as and when you need them.
Use the SSD for frequent games & the operating system.

Some large/frequently accessed files can also be moved there to make loading them smoother.
I use a 250 GB SSD for O/S and frequently used programs and I’ve added a second purely for games I play but are slow to load such as BF1, 4 & GTA V.
Use SSD's for OS, any apps or games you play a lot. most other software and games will be fine on a 7200rpm HDD though.

I had a WD Black for most my games
The operating system takes up little space on the SSD so there's no reason I shouldn't fill it up with programs that I use regularly.
Typical Windows 10 install is about 24GB, plus page and hibernation file which varies with RAM installed. It'll go up a bit with cumulative monthly updates, which gets returned after the next feature update clears out the cruft every six months...
Yeah everything works great so I won't be in any rush to move things over to the SSD, I still need to activate Windows and then we'll see what the updates are like.
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