St Georges Day - Public Holiday

28 Jul 2005
Thought some of you might be interested in this. On balance, ‘Saint’ days are celebrated in all other countries!

There is a chance the public can make St Georges Day a public holiday (After this year).

Click on the link below to vote, the site needs at least 1,000,000 votes for the government to take it seriously and give us another holiday.
What a load of bull****. You could have a bajillion internet petitions and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.
If a million of us sign that we want bras and panties to be banned, will the government take it seriously? It would make the whole going out a lot more fun.
pyro said:
If a million of us sign that we want bras and panties to be banned, will the government take it seriously? It would make the whole going out a lot more fun.

You don't have to wear them when you go out Pyro.

Wasn't Gordon Brown suggesting some sort of National British Day recently?
I don't want another public holiday, I prefer to choose when I take days off thanks, rather than have it mandated from above.
I remember a similar thing happening last year... hmmm ;)

I'm always up for another public holiday. They aren't included in my holiday allowance, so the more the better imo
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