St Kilda

4 Sep 2003
So I just spent 2 weeks helping out with the sheep project on St Kilda... amazing place, didn't have much time for photography in between all the sheep wrangling and drinking, but thought I'd give you a little taster of the sort of stuff I'll hopefully be doing more of over the next 3 years, as I'll be out there 3-4 times a year for my PhD which I'm about to start.

10 shot pano (not perfect I know, shooting panos at 20mm is tricky!):

Village Bay, Hirta, St Kilda:


Forum seems to be compressing it a bit, should be 1200 across:

Oh, and just for fun, here's a shot of one of us messing around on the cliffs at the back of the island:

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Wow, thanks everyone for the comments, they're somewhat better than I was expecting. I think the ridiculous nature of the place is distracting you all from the smudgy bits and dodgy joins you'd normally be picking on :p

Awesome, inspiring, brilliant.

Nice one, something to be proud of! Get it framed and put in the village pub. They will love that and you might just get free beer!

Just had another look, the sky seems a bit 'too blue' in that gap in the clouds. Really like the way the image warms up accross the section as you pan accross it. It really is a nice shot but for me would be even better if that patch of deep dark blue was a bit softer. I find the image leads my eyes into that blue hole between the clouds.

The pub on St Kilda is already insanely cheap - well, I say pub, its a bar in the MOD base but the fact that I can drink pints of G+T all night and buy a round for everyone in there and my tab still only come to £20 is pretty amazing!

Agree totally on the overly blue patch of sky, its already in my list of things to fix.

I'd love to have that as a back ground also.

I've tried to get to St.Kilda a few times on my own boat but the weather and the ridiculously big waves always force me to abandon the attempt.

We went out from Harris with a great guy called Angus, who also runs day trips when the weather is good - this is his boat. The trip out there was uneventful but coming back in a Force 8 with big swell was incredibly fun!

I love it Tom. Really nice work indeed. Glad to see that you time on St Kilda is being fruitfull. How is the counting of rodents going (That is why you are out there isn't it?)

Cheers dude. The 2 weeks I just did was mainly to help with the sheepie project, but I got some preliminary trapping done for the mice and everything seemed to work well, so hopefully when I get out there for my first proper field season it should all run smoothly. Don't start officially for another week.

As for desktops, I don't normally release stuff in high res but seeing as you're all being so nice I might consider it :p. It's a bit long for most, can either have the whole thing with black borders at top and bottom, or I can crop out the bit with the rainbow?
I have seen people get ripped off on ebay by someone who steals low res images n just prints them out big anyway. This shot could easily be targeted as that. I wouldn't flog off quite so many medium res versions as this shot could take you quite far in photography.

Only concerned mate.

Aye, thanks for the concern, I don't normally put up large versions for people. Going to take down the links now that people on here have had a chance to grab them.

ScarySquirrel, would you be so kind as to edit your quote of the links to remove them too please? Thanks!
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