Stab in the dark!

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
I know you guys get threads like this the whole time, but if anything comes to mind please mention it.

I've just got HL2 Episode 1. For the third time, it has just crashed after roughly 5 minutes of gameplay. I tried CTRL+ALT+DEL but Windows says that taskmgr.exe failed to initilize, and shortly after that the computer does the system beeps and freezes completely.

This could be the GPU?

Any ideas?
Now it jams every time before the dog throws you in the citadel.

Stuff this. I'll wait till after my A levels then format this piece of crap.

Thanks for the suggestions though!
barney said:
The fact that task manager didnt run makes me think it could be a problem with your windows install.

Do you have antivirus installed and up to date? There is a registry checker built into windows but i cant remeber how to run it. Also try running a disk scan as i have seen some programs randomly crash in the past because they just happened to be installed on a bad sector of the disk (if it happens at the same spot all the time this could be the case).

I'm beggining to think you're right.

After the initial crash, Windows took 20 minutes to boot. I am NOT joking. I got in a stress and pushed the reset button, went away to do a microwaved pizza, watched a bit of Pimp My Ride, came back up and it was still on the XP logo sceen with the moving bit.

I think i'll just give it a miss until after my exams.
Dr Jones said:
Any chance you've got a Stardock program running in the background or use to but have uninstalled it (but not cleared the system registry?)

Stardock programs have conflicts with games - that happened to me (had to complete format my system and banned Stardock).

Nothing came up in the registery search.

I uninstalled the ATI drivers using Driver Cleaner and went with OMEGA drivers.

First thing I noticed was XP boots MUCH faster. The general performance of my PC is better, and HL2 works fine!

Thanks for all the suggestions though...
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