Stability Issue??

1 Feb 2006
Rotherhan, UK
ok i was running clock in sig. ive 12 hour dual (small FFT) primed it. ran all 3DMarks etc. but tried to play Tribes Vengeance (quite old now) and after about half hour it quits me to desktop with no error. ive also had BF2 do the same thing. is this a stability issue or something else?

should i try increase the volts (currently @ 1.37v), if so whats the max i should go for. i currently load at about 40c

or should i try the ram on a divider, will this lower performance much in games?


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You could try both but first I'd test the memory

To rule the memory out you could try running memtest for a few hours as Prime doesn't really stress the memory and this can cause problems like the game crashing to the desktop. If you get some errors try increasing the memory voltage to 2.8V

You can also try increasing the volts to the CPU. Increase them a small amount, by 0.25V each time until it's stable

I wouldn't go over 1.55V on air so you've got plenty of leeway
his post gives a clue that it may be the memory. you only ran small ftt's!!

run custom and put in min 2000 and max 4096, ram usage 200mb less than the amount installed, time to run ftt 30mins.
run it for 8hrs min and that will test the ram!!
ajgoodfellow said:
You could try both but first I'd test the memory

To rule the memory out you could try running memtest for a few hours as Prime doesn't really stress the memory and this can cause problems like the game crashing to the desktop. If you get some errors try increasing the memory voltage to 2.8V

You can also try increasing the volts to the CPU. Increase them a small amount, by 0.25V each time until it's stable

I wouldn't go over 1.55V on air so you've got plenty of leeway

Not being picky here - just concerned for his hardware!

Cpu voltagwe increases by 0.025v each time ;)
Xionic said:
ok i was running clock in sig. ive 12 hour dual (small FFT) primed it. ran all 3DMarks etc. but tried to play Tribes Vengeance (quite old now) and after about half hour it quits me to desktop with no error. ive also had BF2 do the same thing. is this a stability issue or something else?
Oh crap, thats what I mean about getting some uber stability tests out the way before you sit back and enjoy some gaming sessions, 12 hour dual *small FFTs* isn't that tough for a CPU and it certainly doesn't push your memory

ajgoodfellow said:
To rule the memory out you could try running memtest for a few hours as Prime doesn't really stress the memory and this can cause problems like the game crashing to the desktop. If you get some errors try increasing the memory voltage to 2.8V
yeah thats about right, but I seen memtest throw up the odd error and then pass a 24 hour Prime95 Blend test, I have also seen memtest run for 24 hours and then fail Prime95 blend test in 2 mins!

Pity you didn't get that 24-hour quad prime (2xSmall FFTs, 2x Large FFts) out the way, would have helped you pin-point any issues a lot quicker :(

Good luck!
Yea, just a long run on memtest and a blend test on prime should be sufficient!!

Unless you are using it to run a nuclear power station? in which case, dont overclock....
welshtom said:
Unless you are using it to run a nuclear power station? in which case, dont overclock....
lol welshtom, you got a funny perspective on things :)

Overclocking isn't just for suicide shots or whapping off a killer benchmark run before your rig explodes :p

When you *really* get into it you can have your cake and eat it too! A fast stable system isn't just for mission-critical servers. . .
welshtom said:
havent seen a BSOD for about 5 months
haha :)

Now stop wasting time talking to me, the No.1 Orb spot awaits, thing is I'm not sure what is the best way to get £1000 pound together for your video cards?

Here is some pre-visualistaion to meditate on


#1 welshtom

welshtom said:
money is the problem there.
Yeah that seems to be the case, however thats only the position until you start hitting the top spots then your in a position to *attract* corporate sponsorship, like ATI will fly you out for some geeky convention and get you to run a *live* overclock on their latest 3D-Silicon and attempt a world record 3D-Mark run!

We need someone from the UK to give those Yankees a challenge, see what you can come up with?
knocked it back down to 2.6Ghz for the time being. as i cant run long primes/memtests as i dont leave my pc on unsupervised (as ive explained before, my wiring is ****ed)

will sort it when i get a day off work
sorted now anyway [THE CLOCK NOT THE WIRING] (well the crashings stopped anyway), knocked the RAM upto 2.7v and left the clock @ 2.6Ghz... just played for a couple of hours straight with no problems, its an improvement. cant really test see its full sorted though.


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