Stablity testing help/advice please.

29 Feb 2004
Got an 11400/b560/16gb setup. Running everything stock for 2 weeks or so when I first got it just to make sure everything was fine, no issues. Stuck xmp on after 2 weeks to get 3600, fine, but as what seems to be typical with default xmp settings, highish voltage for vccio2 and sa. 1.35 for SA and 1.4 I think for vccio2 .Depending on sources, this is either high, but fine or omg motherboard manfacturers are crazy and you will degrade the imc long term. Either way looking around, such voltages are probably unnessecary for cl 16 3600.

So turned it back off straight away, looked around and a lot of people seem to say 1.15-1.2 is probably a good starting point for 3600 ,so turned back on and manually went down to 1.15 for both as a starting point. Ran realbench stress test for a couple of hours, no issues. Used the system for a week or so after that, no issues, played games (rocket league, fall guys & crash bandicoot 4) no issues. So I assumed stable.

Started to play immortals fenyx rising and that kept crashing to desktop within 30min. System is fine, didn't crash, only the game crashes. Saw a few posts online of similar and people saying it's one of those games that exposes instablity. So I dropped back to stock to check, everything fine, no crashes in hours, so clearly not 100% at 1.15/1.15.

So what should I use to test? as realbench clearly didn't catch whatever immortals dislikes. I see a lot of people seem to use testmem5, but that seems to be more for overclocking the ram itself (tighter timings, speed etc), I'm just trying for lower SA and vccio2 than the probably excessively high and unnecessary for 3600mhz motherboard auto values, but I guess it's still memory related, so use that?

Or should I just use immortals? Realbench was fine, system seemed fine on everything else, should I just nudge system agent until immortals stops falling over?

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Whoops completely forgot about updating this.


All tested at 1.2/1.2, stable. Gave a go with testmem5 as well after as I saw some people saying use multiple tests and all good there as well. Also played about 8 hours of immortals fenyx rising since changing and testing and not a single crash to desktop :).
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