Staggering Stats OF Lee Evans

18 Jun 2006
Was just watching the dvd and it says

"Lee's Tour Statistics"
Amount Lee Sweats on stage

Litres per night - 3.2
N0 of performances 114
Total amount 364.8
Which is a staggering 770.9 pints of sweat :eek:

Thats a lot to sweat, and you can blatently see it through the blazer as it is completly damp :D
lee evens performed live in london during the heatwave... i tried to take a picture but this was all that was left of him :(

Von Smallhausen said:
Shame she isn't wearing a skirt.
Von Smallhausen, do me a favour and close my thread please, ive just been personally insulted by some idiot who didnt read the thing properly and came to his own conclusions, ive got to go to bed and id really rather not wake up to what was a nice supportive thread (thaks all :) ) turning into a flame fest because a few people cant be buggerd to read all the posts.
locutus12 said:
Von Smallhausen, do me a favour and close my thread please, ive just been personally insulted by some idiot who didnt read the thing properly and came to his own conclusions, ive got to go to bed and id really rather not wake up to what was a nice supportive thread (thaks all :) ) turning into a flame fest because a few people cant be buggerd to read all the posts.

1. He's not a Don
2. It aint your thread :/
3. Where's the flame fest? :confused:
locutus12 said:
oooo, i always thought he was... :p i didnt say it was a flame fest, i just didnt want to wake up to one... :(
Its OK, you didn't say it was a different thread :p I see now (and have replied).

Enough of the O/T in here now, sorry salmon.
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