Stairs / Skirting transition - any suggestions?

18 Oct 2002
Kent, UK
My daughter is re-doing the house they bought earlier this year, and has a tricky transition from the top of the stairs stringer (with moulding on top) to the new skirting board.

It's particularly difficult because the stringer is much thicker, and sticks out further than the skirting.

I'm struggling to think of a decent way to make this look decent. Any suggestions...?

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I also did a bit of research on various DIY / building trade forums and the situation I faced (i.e. with different heights, thicknesses and profiles) was pretty much a worst-case scenario. Given that my daughter wanted something with the least impact (i.e. not ripping off and replacing the existing moulding) and which could be done quickly, I opted for the 'plinth block' approach which just uses a chamfered block to provide a clean break between the two profiles.

and matching one at the bottom:


You'll see that the thickness is completely different, as the stair stringer sticks out at least 1cm more from the wall at the top of the stairs than at the bottom :cry: Given the amount of 'wonk' going on in their house I suspect that they presence of a couple of plinth blocks will never even be noticed and will actually look OK when caulked and painted white.
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