Stalker question

4 Jun 2003
UK, Dorset
Hiya guys, anyone know why i sem to have permanent radiation poisoning? i cannot get rid of it! i can take yellow health packs, vodka, rad injections, i'm ok for about 30 secs then it comes back, i'm right at the end in pipryat, but went back for supplies before moving on and is a little pointless as i cannot stock up an health packs as i need them all the time !!!!! argh
Got the Duty suit the one that loks like the seva one... as for artifacts, nothing that i have not had for a wile now...

The only thing that i have not done is patch up, as i heard that you loose your saves. Gone too far now to start again, been taking my time and enjoying the game, up til now that is :p
Right, so where does the screen grab go then? pressed F12, it kinda paused, now no idea where it is! lol
nope still no luck. Prob due to not being patch i guess. Am going back to see when i caught radiation back a few saves :D
Id id not post a screenshot as i could not seem to get one done. I tried print screen etc, but could not find any file anywhere, not was it in mem to paste into something.....

I gathered that it may be a patch issue as i have not patched the game. I will try again tonight.

Did however check my belt and i have nothing that should give me an issue. Will take everything out of my belt and see if that changes anything.
ah, this would mean that i am in desperate need to find some stuff in pipryat then! :p

Oh well if this is the case, i guess it adds to the challenge! :D
Right, managed to look into my screenie issue. Anyway Print Screen still would not work, but found where F12 put the files.

Anyway here is how i currently am in Pipryat


See anything odd? the 2 items on my belt are for endurance and some other minor thing. Did try taking them both off though just to make sure, with no luck.
That is the suits bonus yeah? The suit that i have is the Duty HEV Suit or some places call it the PSZ-9Md Universal Protection :p

here are the original specs for this suit.

Burn: +80%
Electrical Shock: +90%
Impact: +50%
Rupture: +50%
Radiation: +90%
Chemical Burn: +70%
Explosion: +50%
Bulletproof Cap: +40%
Usher, think i may do the same, i will contact THQ and see what they say. Thanks for the pointer, hope they sort you out :cool:
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