Stamps: The most boring OCUK thread in a while

9 May 2022
Apologies for the relentlessly dull subject but I was clearing out my grandparents house yesterday and came across about a thousand or so stamps going back as far as the 1930s, some are in albums, most are just loose.

I know nothing about stamps other than there is a chance that some old stamps might be worth decent money, the problem is I have no idea how to go about getting anything valued.

I've phoned up a few stamp collectors locally but they all sound about 90 years old and like they can't be arsed with the hassle of valuing anything. Enthusiasm was spectcularly low lol.

Is there still a market for vintage stamps or have all the people who cared about stamp collecting gotten too old/died ?
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bit of a rock and hard palce, you could pay someone god knows how much money to spend hours and hours going through them, and they are all worthless. Do a search and look to see what the most expensive UK stamps are, and have a rumage through them
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bit of a rock and hard palce, you could pay someone god knows how much money to spend hours and hours going through them, and they are all worthless. Do a search and look to see what the most expensive UK stamps are, and have a rumage through them

I'd suggest this too.

Ultimately you're going to have to take a gamble
A) either pay someone to value them, but they could be near worthless costing you money
B) have them valued and find out there might be some rare ones that gives you a few ££.
Stanley Gibbons Catalogues give valuations in, however if they arent already sorted it will take ages to go through and locate them in the catalogues. Yes there is definatley a market for old stamps, the old man spends and obscene amount on some! However unsorted stamps are worth a lot less.

There are stamp dealers about that may value them but you also are trusting them to tell you the full value / will probably want paying for there time.
Surely the best option is to just go to an auction house where the valuation is usually free and impartial, obviously they take a cut of the profits but it's better that way than paying someone to then find out they're all low value/worthless.
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