Stanton scratch amp 2 and vista 64 bit

28 Apr 2003
Has anyone managed to get this combo working?

I'm looking to bring my music creation PC up to 64 bit so I can use 4GB of ram but I'm having problems installing this firewire audio device.

I've spoken to Stanton and they where most unhelpful and said they had no intention of updating their drivers or signining them.

I understand you can select to disable the driver signature checks with F8 during boot up in vista 64 but this seems to make no difference when installing the device.

I'd really rather not throw away a £250 sound card which I've only had a couple of months but I can't see any other way forwards.

Has anyone any advice I could try to get this working? I really don't want to have to chuck something that cost more then my mobo and quad core combined.
Audio companies are among the last to get with the whole driver update thing. Chances are it's coming, but it will take a while.
I spoke to their tech support guys who said they have no intention of ever doing it.

The guy even had the nerver to say "well even adobe haven't made a 64 bit version of photoshop".

To which I replied, "the differance is adobe works in vista 64 bit, your product doesn't"

Ohh well I've learnt not to buy hardware from a company with no computer heritage.
I'm at a bit of a loss, windows prompts me if I want to accept the drivers as they are not signed. But then the device still shows as having no drivers in device manager.

I've booted with the f8, disable driver certificate checks and it still doesnt work.

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