Star Citazen sys reqs?

19 Oct 2002
So my new PC seems to have gotten old fast, I guess a 5 year old MB & this GPU is ancient in computer terms... So am I going to have to spend $1000 to beable to play SC? Geforce 1080s are like $750!!!
286 8MHz
5 1/4" floppy


It's still not particularly optimised at the moment, nearer release it a better time to worry about it if you aren't all that interested in testing out the Alpha
It seems difficult to say, I was reading up on system requirements and although you need a seriously beefy rig they're using some strange server side rendering which accounts for seriously laggy player experience regardless of system spec.

If you watch their latest video (Gamescom in Germany) you can see when he tries to run and jump onto the ship the entire environment is lagging. So you can imagine they would be using a very powerful rig to run a demo in front of people and yet it's still lagging.

Your specs are fairly dated but the next generation of Intel chips are supposed to be a massive leap in performance so you could wait until those are released... and buy a second hand motherboard from those early adopters :)

At the moment the 1070 is the best bang for buck but it's still lacking in that almighty power, I didn't get as much out of it as I'd hoped.
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There are people running it on average rigs, FPS problems in Olisar (test universe) are server side not local, you will notice a huge bump when running other modes such as Vanduul swarm.

If you can run the game now in it's relatively unoptimised mess form then you'll be able to run it at release. The key factor is what resolution do you want to run it at and do you need >60FPS, personally I don't as I have a 40" 4K 60Hz monitor. Personally I don't think there's a GPU out right now that can run most games at 4K/60FPS consistently so in my case I tend to drop to 1440P with a GTX 980.
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