Star Trek fans - Your help Needed

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I'm pretty sure there is an episode of Star Trek, not sure which series, where all the ships turn up to an anomaly and they are all in different positions because there is no up or down in space.
So basically if they all turned up at a planet the bottom of your ship would be facing the planet but if it was some kind of anomaly they could all end up there differently.

Can anybody remember the episode?
There's discovery where they used the holly hop drive to do thousands of attacks on a Klingon ship or something iirc.

There's tng last ep where 3 enterprises from 3 diff times enter a anomaly.

There's the tng one listed above with ent d from hundreds of diff timelines cos of worf

Voy has the wormhole thing where they see themselves

There's the tng ep with the guy from fraiser

There's the tng ep with the one where Diana has to tell a alien ship to release a element to help get out of a anomaly

Voy, where they used holographic ships against kazon and the dr accidentally gets put in space lol.

Few more probably im missing.

There's first contacts borg battle maybe where defiant almost dies.

Ds9 has a few big battle scenes.

I've been through a couple of them and the ships are all the same way up!
I think some of you don't know what I'm asking for, basically the meme explains it but I'm sure there was one episode where this happened.

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