Star Trek: Kirk

Can't be worse than the first two seasons of Picard.


I'll go in with an open mind as I like a bit of Shatner (**** is apparently censored), but if it's a bunch of regret and whining with a silly "modern sensibilities" script I'll be out. The guy is getting on though, still seems sharp but he's also 93 so how viable is this?
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Can't be worse than the first two seasons of Picard.


I'll go in with an open mind as I like a bit of Shatner (**** is apparently censored), but if it's a bunch of regret and whining with a silly "modern sensibilities" script I'll be out. The guy is getting on though, still seems sharp but he's also 93 so how viable is this?
Some CGI might help.
So a show about a character that in canon is dead? So presumably some time travel shenanigans involved, or possibly a link to Picard where Kirks body was stored in the research station in season 3?


It was one thing with the tng crew still being about for a reunion, where could this go with only Shatner, Koenig and Takei still knocking about? Surely they would have to be involved to some extent? And with Shatner and Takei not on talking terms....too many questions currently. They had 30 years since the character was killed off to do something to bring him back somehow, now they wait til he's 93 to potentially have a go at it? :confused:
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I thought they'd cast a new Kirk in Strange New Worlds.... would make more sense for a kirk series than using Shatner, even Patrick Stewart struggled and he's younger.
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