Star Trek Online

Yeah, which is a right pain. Just ran through the devidian missions the other night, and they would probably have looked a lot better with it turned on.
They still haven't sorted out Dynamic Lighting, still lags and crashes when it's turned on.

Don't know if it's related, but I have recently outfitted each of my BO's with the Breen CRM200 gun as it has really good "expose" qualities. Anyway, whenever one of my BO's fire off the alt fire ability it brings my rather high spec system (which includes a 5870 gfx) to its knees! :(
Nowt wrong with it i thought.

And yeah that breen 2ndary attack does slow fps a bit. It shouldn't be that bad fps for it as fire extinguisher isnt that diff and that doesn't effect fps anywhere near as bad.
Just post your captainname@handle here (as it appears in the chat) and one of us can invite you.

cheers, it's eek@eekfek

just done my first proper mission and the final part was taking down the enemies big cruiser.. haha took me about 45mins to wear the bugger down. I need to read up on how photons become ready and stuff but it's been suprisingly good fun.
cheers, it's eek@eekfek

just done my first proper mission and the final part was taking down the enemies big cruiser.. haha took me about 45mins to wear the bugger down. I need to read up on how photons become ready and stuff but it's been suprisingly good fun.

Feel free to ask questions here. Can someone add him?

I am hoping to be on this weekend, has been a while!
I'm finding navigating around to the multitude of missions I have a nightmare, I can't even find Earth's Spacedock now even though Im roughly in its vicinity !! :eek:
Sirius* Sector always in top left corner.

Theirs a globe icon i think it is near ur mini map top right of screen top right of mini map iirc. Click it and you have 3 maps, one is local one is galaxy and one is text list of systems available to you in your current region your in (map sector like sirius where sol is)
thanks, I did manage to locate and fly from destination to destination after a *cough* short bit...

So, in this MMo can you not land on a planet and just go exploring or is everything just mission based where you fly somewhere shoot down enemies then land on planet and kill a few mobs rinse and repeat ?

Are there places you can go and kill mobs for cash and loot or is that all done by flying and blasting ships to bits? Must confess that part of the game is great fun, when you have other players fighting along side you in mass space battles...
thanks, I did manage to locate and fly from destination to destination after a *cough* short bit...

So, in this MMo can you not land on a planet and just go exploring or is everything just mission based where you fly somewhere shoot down enemies then land on planet and kill a few mobs rinse and repeat ?

Are there places you can go and kill mobs for cash and loot or is that all done by flying and blasting ships to bits? Must confess that part of the game is great fun, when you have other players fighting along side you in mass space battles...

Just fly your ship into any of the "enemy signal contacts" in sector space.
Its almost all mission based. Their are "some" systems you can enter which transitions you to the planet after a load screen namely vulcan and andoria and risa.

Their isnt really any freedom other than that for landing or should i say move to ground maps.

Their is no landing on planets in the game i.e shuttle or ship descending to a planet surface from space and most if not all space games do not do this due to techincal issues.
I resubbed today for the 1 year BDAY out of faith as I was privileged to be in Beta and into release for 3 months...

Lots has changed...

Sector space looks much better - I like the "turn astrometrics off" setting.
Finally the Intrepid engine whatsits move when going to warp and the trails look cannon.
There's critical injuries to both ship and persons when at the right difficulty
There's a difficulty slider thingy
Crafting for what its worth

But I still cant help but think that if it was not star trek it would be (is) rubbish.

Gutted you still have to change ship to use all your BO skills after level up, I really wanted to be able upgrade the consoles to open up BO skills on a given ship rather than have to fly another type - I'm attached to my Intrepid... Of course that means I can barely get through higher level missions without using some naff non-cannon ship unless I use the difficulty slider, but that means I still cant use all my funky BO skills without faffing about swapping BO's, not something that easy when you are out of shield and up against cloaking cardassians...

Its still buggy as hell. 3rd mission I hit I had a bunch of mission critical cardassians fall through the floor and end up stuck in a rock below me shooting me. I could not shoot them because they were stuck in the rock and were not in LOS... I had to beam up and restart the mission. Meh.

Its still loads of button mashing, missions are still running around between map "bubbles" reading mostly padding storyline about herbs and water purifiers... - that is of course when the mission actually bothers to show you the objectives. If not its running around on the ground hoping that you find the objective. Yawn.

The most fun I had was flying in early enemy contact missions helping lower level dudes by using science skills to assist them getting the kills.

I wont be staying.
Did anyone that bought a timecard from that G2PLAY place get asked for a scan/photo of ID before they'd process the order?
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