Star Trek Online

9 Feb 2009
Is anyone playing this game still as I am having a problem with it tried to start playing it for first time this morning and I can not even create a char as the mouse is all over the place, as in its not clickable where the pointer is but you have to have pointer miles away on the screen to find the right spot, most of the time you can not even find the right spot to place the mouse. Also I can not change the screen resolution as that option is greyed out even if i could click it.
Is anyone playing this game still as I am having a problem with it tried to start playing it for first time this morning and I can not even create a char as the mouse is all over the place, as in its not clickable where the pointer is but you have to have pointer miles away on the screen to find the right spot, most of the time you can not even find the right spot to place the mouse. Also I can not change the screen resolution as that option is greyed out even if i could click it.

resolution is off, as I suspect your in windowed mode, change to full screen and restart the game. Had this years ago, surprised its not fixed yet haha
I did change it to Full Screen and its still the same m8 but I shall give it another try thanks

I noticed sometimes that the settings revert, might want to keep an eye on that , avoid the dreaded ALT-TAB XD, hope you can get into the game, I havent played in a while. Hope you enjoy it
Thanks again m8 and yeah having to redo window setting each time grrrr :) ive picked the eu servers to play on what faction would you say has the better population or did when you played?
It's massively enjoyable until you hit end game, then it goes from being really fun to utter dross instantly.
^ Also true, between the grind and the endgame power creep due to reps, the end game is really shocking if you want to start with any team/fleet stuff.

TBH if I hadn't bought lifetime at launch and thus have a monthly zen allowance to come back every now and then and play with some new toys I'd never have gone back after it went F2P.
I just choked for real when I tried to find out how much money a tier 6 ship was to buy off their store. In the currency they use its 3000 Zen, in pounds its £18.44!!!

Jebus weep they are having a laugh at that, I closed the game and uninstalled it the now. What a joke :(
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