Star Trucker - American Trucking Simulator In Space

13 Apr 2013
La France
I picked this up yesterday and am having fun dying due to my shonky flying breaking my truck and running out of oxygen.

Using an XBox controller as I couldn’t steer at all with keyboard and mouse.

Top tips so far:

1. If in doubt, come to a complete halt and then see what’s up.

2. Tip 1 applies doubly if you plan to EVA for repairs etc. as your suit can’t catch even a slow moving truck.

3. Put supplies in boxes as some items don’t like drop damage and everything will be floating around when you change out Grav System batteries.

4. Switch systems off using the breaker panel when changing out UCCs.

5. Fit as many Oxygen filters as you can afford.

6. Turn off all cabin lights when driving to save batteries.

Happy trucking!
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