Star Wars 30th Anniv celebration

23 Aug 2004
I went this sunday i could not belive how xxxx it was thought they could have much better, looked like a a sunday market to make money for lucas!!

The only reason i had a decent time was becasue i went with mates and had a laugh but otherwise there was not much going on really.

What did you think of it!!??

Update :

I Did purchase this Nice Canvas of Boba Fett, with the actors signiture on the corner signed by himself Jeremy Bulloch, nice, thinking bangin on the famous auction site wonder what id get.. hmm
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I almost went down for this but then I decided that seeing as it was going to cost upwards of £300 for my wife and I to go down and stop in a hotel then my money could be better spent elsewhere. Was it really that bad?
Guy at work went and came back with lots of pictures of girls dressed up as Princess Leia (yes, lots in the costume from the jabba scene ;) ).

Mark Hamill was apparently charging £85 an autograph though and the popular stuff had massive queues he said.
scorza said:
Guy at work went and came back with lots of pictures of girls dressed up as Princess Leia (yes, lots in the costume from the jabba scene ;) ).

Mark Hamill was apparently charging £85 an autograph though and the popular stuff had massive queues he said.

:eek: corr he must be desperate to charge that much for an autograph :/. But then since Star Wars i havent seen him in any decent movies tbh...
Spawn said:
:eek: corr he must be desperate to charge that much for an autograph :/. But then since Star Wars i havent seen him in any decent movies tbh...

I personly thought he was rubbish in the 3 Star Wars movies tbh. Very wooden and really not that good at acting.

Great movies but rubbish actor.:(
I went on Sunday and it was OK but not a good as it should have been. There just wasn't very much to actually see. There were some cool bits but mostly it was just an exercise in selling collectibles and memorabilia. Every little exhibition of Star wars "stuff". My wife and I actually regretted not going to the Star wars Exhibition by the London Eye instead. Saying that, getting 2 adult tickets for £11 in Tesco vouchers as opposed to £46 on the door was nice.

Cool bits:
The costumes - some people really made an effort. My 18 month old son was left utterly open-mouthed for a good 2 minutes by a stormtrooper who spoke to him. The ST even had the right sound efffect for the voice-coder.

The Jedi training on Degobah - Just the look on the little kids who were sleceted to "train" as Jedi.

The filmed recreation of the Tantive IV opening boarding sequence. Marvellous.

My 2p.
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