Star Wars Force Unleashed - remove fps cap?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Just tried playing SWTFU (steam version 1.2) but it is virtually unplayable due to the 30fps cap. Anyone got a working fix for it to remove the cap or at least raise it a bit? (tried a "61FPS.EXE" I found but it doesn't work).

Yeah read that link in my travels already, but I'm not expecting the devs to admit to there being a fix as it would be third party unsupported. Supposedly some people have been able to get 60fps via unofficial methods but there aren't any working links that I've found yet.
OK done some more digging and it turns out that the v1.2 61fps.exe doesn't work with the Steam version.

Not that I condone such behaviour, but if anyone else has this problem I found that copying another file called "SWTFU.exe" that I accidentally downloaded off the internet into the game directory works fine with the 61fps.exe... :)

Of course, 61fps is hardly ideal in itself so I still need a fix to enable 120fps+.
The mouse felt totally wrong when panning round, and it is extremely distracting, I can't concentrate on the game when it is jerking around like that.
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