Star Wars Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition- Has Arrived!!!

8 Dec 2005


So here we have Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition (EU release date is Friday 27th but some etailors are obviously shipping it now as it missed its initial release date last Friday).

You really need at least a Quad Core & Mid Range or higher graphics card as well as around 30GB free HD space & 4GB physical Ram. Its a hardware ball breaker for sure although the box lists min specs much lower its unplayable on most low spec PC's. Also, its retail DVD or nothing as no current plans for a PC digital download due to the massive file size. Install time is over 1 hour as so much data copied and the 400MB patch takes around 25 mins alone.

Essential 1.1 Patch (but game is fine without it really patch adds a few cloth sim tweaks & more gamepad support amongst other things) is hosted here for now by Aspyr:

No graphical settings to adjust except high/low quality and the reason for this is the hardware specs (remember when Lucasarts said last year no PC version as it needed a powerful machine well they were right!). This game has just under 18GB of high res textures :eek: & 8GB of HD FMV. For once the PC gets what looks like the uncompressed raw data and you need a total of 29GB free space :eek: after the patch has installed an extra 4GB of data (from a 400MB patch!!).

Gameplay is a slightly dumbed down Jedi Outcast and its nearly all wall to wall combat with some minor physics puzzles. You enter a new area and have to battle your way through using various force powers & or combat moves to the next area. Then depending on how many hidden force cubes & holocrons you collect you can upgrade force powers before the next level starts (not in-game as that would unbalance the gameplay). The game is at its best when you can combine force powers & go on a massive kill frenzy this combined with the Star Wars music & atmosphere is pretty effective!!

PC version has some incredible graphics in several places and also comes with all 3 console DLC mini-levels included within it. I bought this game on PS3 then after selling that console got it on X360 in the summer.
PC is totally superior looking as the console versions have the most attrocious screen tearing as they could not handle this game so ingame and cutscenes all had screen tearing which totally ruined the atmosphere.

There is 1 moment in this game which is without a doubt one of the most cinematic & incredible you have ever seen on any game on any platform. You will know it when you see it!!! ILM provided most of the cutscenes & John Williams movie music is the main soundtrack along with some great SW sound effects.

If you like Star Wars & appreciate a reasonable 3rd person combat action adventure then this game is the one to get. Not as good as Jedi Outcast gameplay wise but still the best looking SW game ever and a reasonable amount of gameplay as it will take around 15-20 hours to fully complete & see all content. Do not be tempted to use the console cheatcodes as these disable all saving!!

Also, its likely to have a healthy mod scene as well. Some US gamers have already used Texmod to alter ingame assets so now its finally out in EU you can expect a lot more mod activity.

Screenshots below are all 1920x1200 max everything (except for no AA) mainly taken from the 1st level (which is more of a tutorial with Vader which is pretty sweet:D). All these shots are only from the first few seconds as well and ingame engine :eek:
AA must be forced in your drivers control panel but you need some serious hardware to use it as the physics alone are very demanding. I only have a GTX260-216 but on both the rigs in my signature the gameplay is very fluid and smooth (its also an Nvidia sponsored TWIMTBP title).









Graphics don't look like they justify that :/
18GB of very detailed textures alone. These screenshots I took were all downgraded to jpegs otherwise the file size per uncompressed screenshot would be 7MB each!

Looks much better in action than static screenshots ;)
I still don't think it looks that good though :confused: It looks alright but nothing special. Bit like the game actually, worthwhile rental but quite flawed.
Apart from Crysis I see nothing else on PC which is better looking than this, equal yes but better no not really. Its actually brave of Lucasarts to release this with such high hardware requirements and what appear to be uncompressed textures.

Buy it and play it then you will see some of the levels look pretty good these screenshots are only taken from a few seconds worth of gameplay at the very start of the game not really representitive of some of the later levels. I will post some more screenshots when I have time in the next few days ;) Raxus Prime & Felucia are 2 standout levels ;)
Was tempted to get this on the 360 when it came out, didnt get round to it though. Might get it for pc but for some reason cant find anywhere selling it
The main high st game specialist is the only place to buy it right now. £24.99 until friday then back up to RRP £29.99.
I ended up buying the 360 version when it was released being a huge star wars fan and paying something like £33 so having to pay another £24 quid for 3 extra maps isnt worth it imo.
Same!! I bought it for £18 in the summer for X360 (bought it on release for PS3 for full price as well! and it was much worse than the 360 version :rolleyes:) still bought it again on PC as could not stand the horrible screen tearing and glad I did as the PC version looks much clearer & sharper as the textures are very crisp my screenshots being 90% compressed jpegs do not give the full picture ;)
So, since its a console port really, Gamepad or Keyboard & Mouse control??

Mass Effect played wonderfully on Keyboard & Mouse thanks to the efforts the developers put in. this looks like one of those that hasn't had the extra efforts put in :/
All are fully customizeable but X360 gamepad is best although it supports (with the patch) just about any PC gamepad now. KB + Mouse takes some getting used to but is reasonable. They have put extra effort into the graphics as they are much better than the consoles but its really a 1:1 multiplatform game with PC getting full monty graphics & no FPS or screen tearing issues the consoles were plagued with so its by far the best version.
This is the most shocking console port I've ever played.

No in game menus (not even gfx) no in game menu mouse support, instead you have to use the "[" "]" and backspace keys.

As for the boasted physics they are utterly appalling with physics objects disappearing with 5 seconds even if they are still in the process of breaking, they just fade away

the level where you play as darth Vader in the begin makes this very apparent.

By comparison this game makes COD:mw2 look like a perfect Pc game..
So obviously the US retail "version" you bought did not come with the manual which explains all the controls did it or how the gamepad easily controls everything as that's the original design.

Worst port ever you must be joking its nowhere near perhaps your version was incomplete or something as an incomplete leaked version does contain a lot of bugs..................

Compared to dire ports like Saints Row2, Mercenaries2, or R6V2 this is technically a long way ahead & only lacks graphical options but that does not mean much anyway. The 1.1 patch gives you a high/low option but I doubt any new PC built in the past 3 years will have much trouble with it on max graphics with a reasonable graphics card anyway as long as you do not use AA it will be a breeze for most systems.

The opening level is just a tutorial to see the physics in action play some other levels where you have upgraded your force powers then see how they react when you blow a starship window out and watch everything get sucked out the room or how you use force powers to bend objects & or launch enemies into them. Yes I agree totally they are not what the hype said but equally I have to disagree that they are appalling as there not at all and are defiantely more advanced than other PC physics engines.
Clearly a few -

in here :D
I know its outrageous!! Hope the mods are taking notes as seriously doubt anyone here bought the US version @ $83 (including import taxes).
Still its to be expected as lets face it PC is dominated by piracy & if a game does not get released on PC there is a massive outcry and when it does and its better there is still the same outcry :rolleyes:

The even bigger joke is pirates complaining about things which their early broken build is full of!!!
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AWPC you sound like you work for LucasArts! :p

It does look worthy of a purchase, but for the right price. I'd probably pay up to £19.99 but no more than that. 29GB is still massive to me though, I only have a 250GB HDD to begin with. Tefals comments have put me off slightly though, not that I was going to rush out and buy straight away anyway. Maybe if I see it in a sale perhaps, but there's still other games on my wish list that are higher at the moment. :)
No mate I have no connection or interest in how well this game sells on PC. I am a no-one just another PC gamer thats all. As my pre-order came 2 days early thought I would share my thoughts here to help others decide as the price goes up to RRP again on Friday. If you have a gamepad (you can use kb+mouse but its like most modern games now designed around gamepad controls) then its a decent action adventure sci-fi combat game. If you like Star Wars then you will like it even more. The 29GB is because they give the PC gamer ultra high res textures & HD FMV's (instead of the usual low res console assets many companies give us as they cannot be bothered to put any effort into it). Not sure when the price will drop as being on 2 DVD's means it cost them more to manufacture & digital download is unlikely on PC (MAC is getting it in the US as a digital download but only from 1 specialist MAC company and the price is higher!).
The textures look rather low res to me and dont seem to line up properly with other sections in some shots.
I guess the 90% jpeg compression I applied to save bandwidth & ingame motion blur makes it hard to take an accurate screenshot from ;)
Jpeg compression doesn't make textures go to ps2 quality ;)

The GFX in this game are frankly terrible for the size it takes up.
Mate they are not PS2 quality at all! They take up 18GB HD space and are clearly uncompressed ingame. It probably has the best textures of any PC game yet released.

Maybe the pirated version you have is incomplete graphically ;)
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