Star Wars Galaxies NGE

26 Dec 2005
Has anyone given the new NGE a go ?

Im looking for a new MMORPG to play, i currently subscribe to COH and COV for my daughter, but havent got into it myself, i see you can download the game free now (NGE) and then subscribe after a 2 week trial.

Anyone playing, how is it? I played galaxies before it was great for a month then i got fed up with it, NGE seems suitably different.
All I can say is SWG original 76%

NGE 26%

That was from PC gamer and SWG has been slated for the past 12 months, and I was a two year vet who moved to WOW November.
Don't do it i have given up finally with SWG the last month or so as the development team do not have a clue what they are doing. Expect if you do join bug after bug and no content above CL30.

Tried it about 6 months ago, held my attention for about 2 weeks. Tried it again about a week ago, this time my attention lasted for the length of time it took me to kill a lizard :/
I suppose if you'd never experienced it before Sony started to butcher it, it might seem ok, kind of like a simplified and bugged version of WoW set in the SW universe.

Even if you find the game itself ok though, you'll find the cities deserted, as everyone who's played for more than a few months has left in protest at the changes.
Eve Online seems to be the new hotness with regards to MMORPGs.

It's growing too fast if anything. :o
A before about a year ago, SWG ruled the MMORPG imo (Even if it was just because it was star wars). Now I can't even bare to think about it. It's just too rubbish now. Thy COMPLETELY changed the ENTIRE way of going about the game and it ruined it 100%. Don't even bother until SOE give up the license or admit they're complete tarts and do something for the vets for once.
InwardSinging said:
it got 67% in the new PC Zone, looked okay, thats why i was considering it.

PC gamer for some reason gave it that mark and i think the guy who reviewed it was on something as he got the 7% right and it shouldn't have had the 6 at the front.

with that score im under the impression the magazine were paid a lot of money by SOE to "adjust" their perceptions of the game
Or the guy who reviewed it hated the old system as it meant hard work to do anything unlike this newer version where it is set up for a console port later on. They may deny it but the new control system is modelled for a console system.

tbh i dont see this taking off on a console, compared to what someone can experience on a console this game is just too out of date to work i feel, not to mention even with the contol change i can see it being a bit iffy
There has been enough evidence found to say it is coming out on console as printers of strategy guides have confirmed console guidebooks do exist. SOE are looking for new people to buy the game play for a few months then leave and hope this keeps repeating big mistakes as the vets were the ones with the multiple accounts not these gamers.

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