Star Wars - Republic Commando - Stuck in Lift Shaft - Help!

12 May 2004
Dark Side of the Moon
Hi, can anyone help me, I'm playing Republic Commando and I'm on the next level passed the Geonotian planet, I'm know on the ship. I've gone through the checkpoint and I'm in the lift with another Delta and the lift has fallen and it s in pitch black. I'm being told to fix the detention centre system, but at the moment I can't get out the lift. I have my night vision on and I've looked all round to try and find anything that would enable me to get out but I can't find a thing. I've fropped bombs, shot the panels, jumped up and down but nothing. Has anyone got passed this point and if so what did you do?
Can someone please help me, I'm going mad here. I'm in the lift of the Detention Center with another Delta force commando in the pitch black and I can't find anythong to get me outa here. Has anyone played it on the Xbox or PC and have any control moves to combat the situation for heavens sake! Has no here played Republic Commando?....................
IIRC I did have some bug in this game where I needed to reload a previous savegame due to a door not opening or similar, could be a bug.
Buggy bug bug :rolleyes:
As far as I can see from a run through Google, the lift should have gone down automatically after you had killed all the enemies in the previous bit.

Reload the previous save I think :(

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