Star Wars : Rogue Squadron - Patty Jenkins to Direct.

12 Jul 2007
I noticed that this had slipped out amongst the many other SW titles but without the fanfare/attention that the other films/series got so here's Patty Jenkins small "teaser" into her personal/family reasons for making this film which, due to the personal nature, should make this a film made with passion at least!

Oh and SJW robot can do one, i'm not as easily triggered by SJW stuff as many on this sub forum but that one really did grate on me.

I wonder if that might be the real reason Lord & Miller got sacked as the original directors because their version of the robot was a parody, but I think KK didn't know that when she signed the directors and it was only 3/4's of the way through filming when she finally saw just how ridiculous that Robot was, and realised the directors were using it to laugh at her and her pro-SJW views so she sacked them for it?

I mean I know the "Official" reason is a difference between script writer and director but maybe not the only issue there!
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