Star Wars sage - Any good fan sites ?

18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
I'm trying to find a i bit more info about the star wars saga

I know the obvious stuff, like Annakin becomes Darth Vader etc..

but i was looking to find out more info (if there is any) about the background plot. Like the trade federation for example, obviously in EP I they are being commanded by palpatine/Darth Sidius. But what exactly is the blockade all about ?

he says he wants the treaty signing but why ? how does it tie in with the story ?

i may be looking too deeply into the story, and there may be no story around, but i was wondering if anybody had seen any good fan sites with more info on them ?

i did find one

but it appears to be written by a 14 year old and passes itself off as official, but appears to be nothing of the sort.
I'm trying to find a i bit more info about the star wars saga

Are you sure u wanna do that? Once you got into this (dark side), there is hardly going back :p

Aye, Wiki will do you great job for lots of background info! At least this is what I used to remember when I got hit by the hype of Ep III(when it came out at the cinemas). A sort of decent-ish forum I used to visit once can be found here.At least I hope it still is...
i've read the background stuff on wikipedia

very good and allmost exactly what i was looking for

one thing i don't understand though, is in EPI. What is this treaty the Federation want Naboo to sign, and why does Palpatine/Sidius want it signed, surely his aim is to make the thing drag as much as possible so he can wriggle his way into the position of supreme chancellor

he uses the chancellor's hesitation over the matter to put himself forward for the position of chancellor.

So surely its in his interest to keep the trade federation in naboo ?
one thing i don't understand though, is in EPI. What is this treaty the Federation want Naboo to sign, and why does Palpatine/Sidius want it signed, surely his aim is to make the thing drag as much as possible so he can wriggle his way into the position of supreme chancellor

Well, he pretty much succeeded,didnt he? The issue with the treaty itself i.e. pretty much an unconditional surrender for Naboo, is irrelevant and its only to make the trade federation looking like its their goal(Sidious aka Palpy even convinced the trade federation that this is what they need). In reality, however, the appearance of the blockade was what Sidious needed since this gave him strong political support in the senate for becoming a chancellor himself. He is well aware that all this political mingling of treaties and whether the blockade is legal or illegal would make the current chancellor look as too passive and unable to cope with the situation, hence, he will be shown the exit.

From what we know, the whole reason for the trade federation to revolt is higher taxes imposed by the Senate. Now the Republic in the SW universe is pretty much similar to the EU where you got a complicated political system, but there are also countries outside it - in the SW case, they are often refered to as the Outer Rim. Sidious managed to convince many of the senators(including the chancellor) that taxes should be raised in order to finance the development of the Outer Rim systems with the long-term benefits for the Republic itself(since apparently, they have not been as civillised). With the taxes being higher, the rather greedy trade federation(resembling a big multinational in reality), who arent robbed from them but rather their profit margin lowered and making it harder for them to maintain large private armies, basically gets very upset. They didnt, however, get to do anything until Sidious turned to them, convincing them that he is very influential in Coruscant(though didnt reveal his true identity) and that it would be totally fine if they cause a mess in Naboo...this is it sort of summed up while the rest is history.
There is SO much information out there you might wanna be careful how deep you look mate. Theres probably as much history of star wars as there is our actual existence!

oh and btw supershadow is real, really doesnt seem it but all the stuff on there is genuine and he actually works for LA.
There is SO much information out there you might wanna be careful how deep you look mate. Theres probably as much history of star wars as there is our actual existence!

Depends how u see it but generally things are pretty much clear on basis of what Lucas has more or less approved to be part of the story.

oh and btw supershadow is real, really doesnt seem it but all the stuff on there is genuine and he actually works for LA.

Im not so sure about that.Back in the days when I wanted to dig up stuff from the SW universe, supershadow was notorious for making up some really revolutional but hard to believe "facts" from the SW universe and generally raised eyebrows on everything that was said there. Dont know if anything has changed since then.
Chris1712 said:
oh and btw supershadow is real, really doesnt seem it but all the stuff on there is genuine and he actually works for LA.

i thought that

untill i saw this

I [lucas] won't be around, but I will be cryogenically frozen so that I can be brought back to life sometime in the distant future. I look forward to living on Earth hundreds or thousands of years from now. It's very exciting. I think you all should consider cryogenics, but it does cost several hundred thousands of dollars, which few of you can afford.

George Lucas: I'm an old man so I don't play any kind of video games. My time is too precious to waste as you suggest

I've turned Episode 7, 8 and 9 over to SuperShadow. He did such an excellent job with the scripts for the prequels that I completely trust him to create the next film trilogy. The best Star Wars films will be made under the leadership of Shadow.

that just tipped it for me. That whole interview sounds like nothing but the ramblings of a 14 year old.
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