Star wars squadrons to support vr

Good point - certainly sw bf2 did not support hotas for the straighter bits but for a dedicated flight game you would hope so
Took me couple of hours to set up the warthog and rudder pedals yesterday. Its always a nightmare when software uses the windows numbering scheme for joysticks. I had to unplug my two MFDs to get it to recognise all three devices properly.

Just been playing around so far but found the performance seems quite good. Had everything on high and flying around at 60fps with the index on 100% SS.

One thing I did notice though is that it seems smoother with Motion smoothing turned on? I can hit 90 fps on medium/ low settings but panning seems a bit juddery?
I have been running on my index without any issue through origin/ steam vr combo. Another option which may help performance is turning down the resolution scaling which affects the monitor only.
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