Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Peltz now wants two seats now that Disney changed it bylaws and hired two new directors.

This quote sums Disney up perfectly. They would rather blame fans sorry customers than the **** they pump out.

Peltz's fund argues that the "root cause of Disney's underperformance" is that the board is too closely aligned with Iger and lacks "focus, alignment and accountability."

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@Bigpig - The Walt Disney board released this long statement but I'll pick a single paragraph as yet another reason that Disney has been a bad investment -

"Disney has an experienced, diverse, and highly qualified Board that is focused on the long-term performance of the Company, strategic growth initiatives including the ongoing transformation of its businesses, the succession planning process, and increasing shareholder value."

Lets compare the financial performance from "an experienced, diverse, and highly qualified Board that is focused on the long-term performance of the Company" and which is concentrated on "increasing shareholder value" to what they've actually done to the share-price over the last 3 years after returning just a 0.7% yield to investors after an almost 50% drop in share price.


Hmmmmmm - "What we say we do" vs "What we actually do" - well only one of these things is true and the other is a which one could it be, is that they are "increasing the shareholder value" or share value has dropped almost 50% :D
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@Bigpig - The Walt Disney board released this long statement but I'll pick a single paragraph as yet another reason that Disney has been a bad investment -

Lets compare the financial performance from "an experienced, diverse, and highly qualified Board that is focused on the long-term performance of the Company" and which is concentrated on "increasing shareholder value" to what they've actually done to the share-price over the last 3 years after returning just a 0.7% yield to investors after an almost 50% drop in share price.


Hmmmmmm - "What we say we do" vs "What we actually do" - well only one of these things is true and the other is a which one could it be, is that they are "increasing the shareholder value" or share value has dropped almost 50% :D
Now do it again but show from 2000 onwards.
@Bigpig - The Walt Disney board released this long statement but I'll pick a single paragraph as yet another reason that Disney has been a bad investment -

Lets compare the financial performance from "an experienced, diverse, and highly qualified Board that is focused on the long-term performance of the Company" and which is concentrated on "increasing shareholder value" to what they've actually done to the share-price over the last 3 years after returning just a 0.7% yield to investors after an almost 50% drop in share price.


Hmmmmmm - "What we say we do" vs "What we actually do" - well only one of these things is true and the other is a which one could it be, is that they are "increasing the shareholder value" or share value has dropped almost 50% :D
The fact that it's one of the worst performing stocks on the S&P 500 is very telling. Also very interesting that they see sports as something that can save their streaming platform. They don't have top create anything just buy and over charge loyal sports fans....
"Disney has an experienced, diverse, and highly qualified Board that is focused on the long-term performance of the Company, strategic growth initiatives including the ongoing transformation of its businesses, the succession planning process, and increasing shareholder value."

Hmmm, it almost seems like only two of those characteristics are required in the boardroom to run a succesful business...

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Now do it again but show from 2000 onwards.

Why, their peak was 2020 (3 years ago) and since then the board has seen 3 consecutive years of share price drops, again dropping by almost 50%, which is opposite to their current claims this month of "increasing shareholder value" - so why would I look at a set of figures from 25 years ago to judge today's Disney?

If they were increasing share price year after year I couldn't make this argument, but they aren't so I can.
Why, their peak was 2020 (3 years ago) and since then the board has seen 3 consecutive years of share price drops, again dropping by almost 50%, which is opposite to their current claims this month of "increasing shareholder value" - so why would I look at a set of figures from 25 years ago to judge today's Disney?

If they were increasing share price year after year I couldn't make this argument, but they aren't so I can.
They had a good increase with marvel films, and Disney parks and whatever up until almost identical timing, end game/avengers climax, and covid hit.

They have also pushed and taken a purposeful loss with Disney plus to grow that.

There are many reasons Disney are not doing as well over the last 3 years, but I would partly put it down to them riding a high from the years prior. They have had too much success that now when you compare it to that, it appears that Disney are failing, when in fact it's just that their massive success has currently ended.

A good example of the massive success is look at how much money for first ms marvel film made. Way too much for how rubbish it was. But it was riding the end game train.

Now end game is over, the movies are making more in the area that they should be.
They had a good increase with marvel films, and Disney parks and whatever up until almost identical timing, end game/avengers climax, and covid hit.

They have also pushed and taken a purposeful loss with Disney plus to grow that.

There are many reasons Disney are not doing as well over the last 3 years, but I would partly put it down to them riding a high from the years prior. They have had too much success that now when you compare it to that, it appears that Disney are failing, when in fact it's just that their massive success has currently ended.

A good example of the massive success is look at how much money for first ms marvel film made. Way too much for how rubbish it was. But it was riding the end game train.

Now end game is over, the movies are making more in the area that they should be.
Stop!! It's the wokeness! Can't you see?!
They have also pushed and taken a purposeful loss with Disney plus to grow that.
Considering he is talking about share price, investors don’t mind a loss if they believe in the long term plan. Hence Amazon running at a loss for years but their share price was on its way up.

They have had too much success that now when you compare it to that, it appears that Disney are failing, when in fact it's just that their massive success has currently ended
Or they are actually failing?
How many movies have they released that have made a solid profit? From memory most films Disney have released in the past few years have either struggled to break even or lost money.

You would have a point if they were turning a decent profit on a majority of the films but as far as I am aware they aren’t.
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Or they are actually failing?

but when they marvel movies in particular been any good? compare thor 1/2 to the current movies that are failing worse. thor 1/2 did better than it should have, mainly because it was riding the MCU wave, but also people weren't bored of superheroes like they are now. people watched captain marvel because it came out right before end game. no one cared what captain marvel story was, but they thought it was relevant to end game so went, and it did better than it should have, and disneys stock slightly rose because of this success they were having that was false. captain marvel was totally rubbish and not required viewing before end game, and i wont make the same mistake again.

this obsession of being awake is just so weird from some users. they essentially put themselves to sleep and have these nightmares of people that are awake and then want to cry to the world how those who are awake are going to get them all and it's all their fault for being awake. completely ignoring all the other factors that cause disney and other companies to have issues.

Considering he is talking about share price, investors don’t mind a loss if they believe in the long term plan. Hence Amazon running at a loss for years but their share price was on its way up.

the 2 will be linked for sure. investors will no doubt be unsure of the value of disney plus currently. it's totally different to amazon as the entire company was moving in one direction and expanding and using profits and more to expand expand expand.

it's more similar to meta, where investors will be unsure of the future of meta and so the stock price will take a hit if they don't understand it, see the point, see no profit any time soon, think it's too distracting etc.

disney came to the streaming market very late, at a poor time considering the reduced spending and so reduced luxuries. Is nextflix woke too? their price is down a fair wake as well, having also been riding a big success for the 10 years prior.
Stop!! It's the wokeness! Can't you see?!
Disney has already pin pointed “messaging” as a reason they are loosing money and customers.

Once in an official filling to stockholders and one direct quote from Bob blaming the other Bob.
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Direct quote

Is Bob Iger Alt-Right for saying this?

Official filling

The usuals that have been pretending disney haven't been pushing 'wokeness' still pretending disney haven't been pushing 'wokeness' despite the ceo saying they need to stop prioritising it? Well colour me shocked :cry:
The usuals that have been pretending disney haven't been pushing 'wokeness' still pretending disney haven't been pushing 'wokeness' despite the ceo saying they need to stop prioritising it? Well colour me shocked :cry:

If someone has this user for their secret santa, there is a book called "learning to read - for 5 year old" that springs to mind :p
There are many reasons Disney are not doing as well over the last 3 years, but I would partly put it down to them riding a high from the years prior. They have had too much success that now when you compare it to that, it appears that Disney are failing, when in fact it's just that their massive success has currently ended.

Just to be clear, we're talking about "Disney" share prices, correct? Which means Disney "the whole company", and not just Disney "the film maker"?

I feel the need to clarify that as the Disney share price is not directly linked to the individual movies they make (failures or successes), instead it's directly linked that of their own parks, their "branding" arm, the land they own etc, alongside the performance of the 200+ other companies they own which have mostly been making a profit year on year (about 7% overall according to Disney's financial filings) and therefore "should" have been increasing Disney's share price, but it's not, and the reason its not isn't just down to a few failed movies this year (something the board have no direct control over) but its down to the investors perceived "worth" of Disney i.e. the share price relates to how confident investors are that a company will make them money - the money money investors believe they'll make, the more shares they buy, the higher the share prices rises etc..

My argument from my OP is very simple - the Disney board has said "We increase shareholder value" and, for the past three years, the direct evidence is that "no they don't", again what is said vs what is done. However, if their statement instead had been "We ***aim to*** increase shareholder value ***in the near future***" then I can't make the same argument, because that statement would be true, unlike the one they've actually made.

So I'm not making the argument of "Their movies are woke so thats why shares are down" I'm pointing out what the board have said vs what they have recently done are opposite with one thing being false and the other being true (maybe calling it a "lie" in my OP is too harsh for business speak TBF).
People don't understand that profit is far from most important metric by which huge corporations measure their success, growth, market share and share price are far more important.
Just to be clear, we're talking about "Disney" share prices, correct? Which means Disney "the whole company", and not just Disney "the film maker"?
Of course, but some people link a blue haired character, or a kiss from 2 males in a movie to this and seem to be able see no other reason Disney stock is down.

There's many reasons. Like I pointed out, covid caused an issue with their parks. Merchandise naturally takes a hit too. Poor performance from marvel movies now end game is over. There's a whole host of reasons that have chipped away at their stock price.

But there are plenty in this thread that need Disney being awake to be their enemy and seem almost desperate to tie Disney stock entirely to this. Look at apex and c Kents history and you'll see.
Point out which post of mine states their **** woke movies is the sole reason for their share price halving over 3 years, I'll wait.

To quote one of the most useless posters in this thread
there is a book called "learning to read - for 5 year old" that springs to mind
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