star wars

27 Sep 2004
Well, every night of this week I've been watching each of the star wars movies, from episode 1, on wards.

I done a little search there and couldnt find a similar thread, although I'm sure you've probably discussed this before in the past.

Just want to know, what did you all think of the new movies? ep 1-3 ?

I personally think that they looked stunning visually, but the acting is quite cheesy in some parts. Episode 2 and 3 are a lot better than episode 1 imo.

What do you all think?

Whats your favorite star wars movie of them all? Do you like the new episodes 1-3, or do you prefer the older episodes 4-6??

Also....I need to ask: Does anyone else here find the queen amidala and padme thing in Episode 1, very, very confusing?

Star wars.. Well, I hated The phantom mean-ass. Attack of the clowns was just terrible.

As for franken-vader, just don't get me started.

Worst prequels of all time.
earlyflash said:
Star wars.. Well, I hated The phantom mean-ass. Attack of the clowns was just terrible.

Editing names to make your negative view clear is so funny!

OOOOOOH! You could even call them 'Star Bores'!!!!1

That'd be a laugh riot.


The Empire Strikes Back will always to me, and the majority of fans, the firm favourite of the six films.

Personally, I think Episode I is a great movie in general, fun, action packed, but it really did seem to miss the point in regards to Star Wars.

Looking back on Episode II, it's a pretty poor film, now, and could have done a lot mroe to set up the whole Darth Vader changeover, instead of leaving it all to Episode III. Episode III to me was very well made, the whole Jedi killing bit was really well done, and probably made the movie for me, and the end did tie up a lot of the loose ends nicely.

Once I've finished my exams, I'm gonna have a good old geekout weekend and watch them all, loud, and get fat. :p
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back?

Dante Hicks: Empire.

Randal Graves: Blasphemy!

Dante Hicks: Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.

Im a huge fan of this franchise
I personally reckon The Phantom Menace was great!

In my preference of favourite, I would say episodes:
6: Return of the Jedi
1: The Phantom Menace
4: A New Hope
3: Revenge of the Sith
2: Attack of the Clones
5: The Empire Strikes Back

Most of you are thinking, "WHOAA? Is this guy crazy? The Empire Strikes Back last on his list? And Return of the Jedi at first?"
Well no, I mean it.
Before I continue though, I love each one equally, its just how important I see one more than the other.
My justifications?

Well Return of the Jedi was number one because that's exactly what it is, Return of the Jedi. a lot of people by this point forget what Star Wars is about. It's about Anakin Skywalker's struggle between the light side and dark side of the Force. Contrary to popular belief, Return of the Jedi is literally, return of the Jedi knight, Anakin Skywalker. And not return of the Jedi as a whole. And if you realise by the end of this chapter the kind of crap Anakin went through, it means so much.

The Phantom Menace was number two because it means soo much. Just a little boy with dreams and aspirations, inoccent and yet, we all know his fate. He leaves his mum, he has his mentor killed. So much happens to him, he is a slave to begin with. Yet he is still a nice little boy, no evil in sight. To me, it shows destiny.

A New Hope is number three because it ties everything together in one movie, before everyone goes thier seperate ways. Think about it, it introduces Luke Skywalker, Anakin's son as a niave young boy who don't know what faces ahead. Then you see his freind and mentor die by the clutches of Darth Vader. That means something to Luke, he wants revenge. He's angry. Only, Vader is[/I} his father! Only he don't know it!

Revenge of the Sith is just class, and is number four on my list. After many many years of master planning, training and waiting Darth Sidious finally executes his master plan. To rid of the Jedi once and for all. And he does with class. With such aspects as Order 66, and the turn of Anakin, in this Episode you really do see distincively who's who and what's what. It links everything together.

And off course, number 5 on my list, Attack of the Clones. I really did enjoy this film a lot. To me its a movie which shows Anakin's innocence in the whole plot of Star Wars. He falls in love, serves in the Clone Wars and watches his mother die in his own arms. Back to the Clone Wars, it portrays Sidious's master plan once again, and just shows how his powers of persuasion is, by seducing Darth Tyranus, otherwise known as Count Dooku to the Dark Side of the Force.

And finally, the last on my list, The Empire Strikes Back. Firstly, i'd like to say I love this film to bits. I really enjoy watching that pivotal Vader and Luke moment time and time again, and the rest of the movie. a lot of you are probably looking for answers. And i'll give them to you. The Empire Strikes Back just tells me that, they strike back. But so what? At the start of the film, the Rebels are in a bad position. In the end of the film, they're in a bad position. It's a funny film, because it doesn't actually solve anything. It's just a dark movie that runs, which in my eyes, ranks as last.

HOWEVER, before I get flamed, each movie is ahead of the other my a VERY VERY VERY low margin. They all get 9's out of 10. Infact, Empire get's 10/10. But still ranks last in my list because Star Wars is about Anakin, nothing else.

Feel free to comment :)
Well eXSBass, I can't say I agree with your order but I do like the fact that you argue your points so well.

For what its worth;

The best thing about the whole trilogy (apart from the fantastic storyline of Anakin's "journey") is the fact that in every film there are some truly jaw-dropping moment.

Episode 1: The pod race and Maul's ignition of his twin saber
Episode 2: The Jedi igniting their lightsabers in the arena
Episode 3: The purge of the Jedi
Episode 4: "That's no moon"
Episode 5: The Battle of Hoth
Episode 6: The Battle of Endor (space)

To name but a few.

Love the films. Can't wait until my son is old enough to watch them too. :D

5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 gets my vote.

The Phantom Misery really is a terrible film. Jar-jar Binks is by far the worst character in any of the films. If I could erase it from history I would.

Just a couple of weeks ago I sat down with some friends and watched all 6 back to back... managed it in 14 hrs 35 mins, including 2 cooked meals.
For me the order would be 5, 6, 4, 3, 2 & 1.

In Empire Strikes Back one of the most memorable bits in the movie was when the Imperial March tune played and you got to the fleet. As a kid watching it in the cinema it was amazing. Fortunately I had the pleasure of a Star Wars/Empire Strikes Back double-bill when they had released Return of the Jedi (I was 6 at the time :eek: ).
I love Star Wars.
I was one of a lucky 1000+ people to go to the Saga day in London.
Watching all the films back to back is a amazing experience..

My order of preference is -


Jedi for me has always been my favourite.. although I don't really know why, I just seem to enjoy it more.

Revenge is by far the best of the prequels, I rate it over Empire purely cos of the way Lucas managed to tie up all the links and the action scenes are amazing..

Empire is Empire.. it is recognised as the best of the bunch.. I still enjoy the movie its just that I prefer 6 and 3.

Hope is brilliant also.. made on such a small budget but still works wonders.
The imperial ship at the start is one of the most memorable scenes in modern day cinema.

Clones and Phatom are still good movies, yes I said phatom was a good movie.. they just don't stand up well to the standard set by the rest of the movies.

Two of the most memorable star wars moments for me are taken from the prequels..

The Duel of Fates from Phatom and the Yoda/Dooku fight from Clones.
Both got a tremendous applause at the saga day!
penski said:
Randal Graves: Which did you like better? Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back?

Dante Hicks: Empire.

Randal Graves: Blasphemy!

Dante Hicks: Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.


love Clerks
Pretty crappy tbh/ Some obvious highlights. But so much wasted potential. Attack of the clones should have been ALL about the clone wars and been a proper war film. And id have been pleased if it was the first of the 3. ROTS, the first space battle should have been so much longer. I cant really remember much of ROTS. I know it sucked though.
I've always been a huge Star Wars fan and find it hard to give an order of preference as I like certain bits from each film (and yes that includes ep1).

What gets me is how people complain about the acting in the newer films, saying that it's wooden/hammy. Hang on, so where the flippin originals.

I've never judged them on how good the acting was, these films are all about ideas, imagination and story. Thinking back to when I was a kid my Star Wars toys got no end of use with me re-acting scenes from the films and making up all sorts of nonsense, shame I can't get away with that now I'm a grown up. :( :p
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