Stardew valley/Steam/Family share help!

10 Jan 2013
I own a copy of Stardew Valley on my steam account, i bought it for the wife but she never played it.
Anyway i built her own PC about 2 weeks ago and made her own steam account, then did a family share so she could play it on hers, without realising you can only have one person using one games library (i thought it was ok to both use the same library, as long as it wasnt the same game).

Shes got totally addicted to Stardew and got quite far in the game, but its stopped me playing my own Steam games.
If i buy a copy of Stardew on her account for herself, how will it work with regards to game saves?
Will she just be able to start the game as before but using the copy she owns herself, on her pc and it'll load her game save?
I'm confused because of cloud saves etc.
Any help id much appreciated.
May have to move her save game from your documents to hers and it should work for her.

Save files can be found under %APPDATA%\StardewValley\Saves and are named after your character, plus an ID number. (taken from a web site, not sure if it is the correct path.)
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You may not even have to do that if it has the Steam Cloud save system active. The client will detect that there's a difference in detected save (as in there won't be one) and the one in the cloud and ask if you want to import it.
Was just worried her save would be "linked" to the family shared version of Stardew, not the one she will be playing that im going to buy for her account.
My mate steam shares his library with his partner, and either he goes offline on steam or she does and then they can both play games. Not sure which way round it is though.
Iv found while steam sharing with my brother that when he starts up another gane giving me the 5 minute warning to turn my Wi-Fi off and it doesn't quit the game.
Bought it, didnt need to do anything it just checked the existing files and now shows under her own games not under my shared games, logged in and all of her saves are there. sorted :D
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