StarDrive 1 was at launch a serious broken mess, it's now playable with the help of modders but there are still limitations. The developer Zero was pretty arrogant and promised lots but never delivered.
StarDrive 2 does look awesome but only a fool would preorder knowing what happened with the first.
Not really being fair here...
If you have a look at the review, you'll see just how polished the second game is and even though the first game was flawed, it was not as bad as you are making it out to be.
I succumbed, just downloading now.
First one was indeed to shallow and half a game, I hope this is better, but I love 4x and well there's not much choice. also down to £15 in steam atm.
It's looking good, where from for £15?
Checkout Distant Worlds
It's not crap or slander, it is a pretty rubbish game.
Customising a ship is not combat.
Max system is 100 that is tiny for 4x.
It does run like a dog. Great you probably have a high end pc good for you.
Gc2 was released 9 years ago, so hardly surprising a few and I mean a very few parts are better/more involved. Gc2 however is still a far better game.