Stargate SG1 - The Alliance

31 Aug 2004
I've just checked and it's now available for pre order with a release date of February 24th. I thought JoWood back out yet their name is on the page.

I really hope this is all correct though for some reason I don't think things will go to plan.
wnb said:
Last time I read about this game was that it was most likely canned. Read something about it not been true to the stargate universe, I'll wait for a few reviews before buying.

Yeah I think it was JoWood who said they couldn't keep the game up to the standard of the TV series.
I'm just going to go back and watch re runs of when Teal'c got stuck in a computer game and hope I'll be able to run down the halls of the SGC with a P90 sometime soon. :P
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