Stargate SG1

26 Dec 2005
With the series now ended on TV when are we likely to see the forthcoming dvd releases to end the series?
Not sure, but i think they are planning to do some feature length episodes on DVD to tie up the loose ends. Pity it finished as i enjoyed the show!
marl said:
Not sure, but i think they are planning to do some feature length episodes on DVD to tie up the loose ends. Pity it finished as i enjoyed the show!

Yer they are going to wrap up the series so to speak with straight to dvd releases but i'm just curious as to when thats going to be.
two movies are in production and filming atm Stargate: The Ark of Truth (Wraps up the Ori storyline) and the second movie which is Stargate: Continuum. They are planned for a fall 2007 release, so you should be seeing them sometime in the near future, shouldn't be too long as Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis should be on US screens within a month or two probably. is a good resource for info.
Demoniser said:
two movies are in production and filming atm Stargate: The Ark of Truth (Wraps up the Ori storyline) and the second movie which is Stargate: Continuum. They are planned for a fall 2007 release, so you should be seeing them sometime in the near future, shouldn't be too long as Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis should be on US screens within a month or two probably. is a good resource for info.

Cheers buddy :)
I definitely think the humour is what makes SG1 stand out against all the other Sci-Fi programmes. It doesn't really share the "geeky" reputation that a lot of them have. I quite often laugh out loud when watching it, but you do have to get into it and appreciate the genius behind the characters. My own problem is the script writers got a bit pathetic on the latter series. They'd build up a really good plot in an episode and then end it in about 2 minutes with a really unsatisfying anticlimax conclusion. The last episode wasn't great either.
Jacks idiotic humour was definatley missed the last few series and that Vala bint should have been terminated at birth because whoever decided to give her a recurring role on the show needed the sack.
ManCuBuS said:
Jacks idiotic humour was definatley missed the last few series and that Vala bint should have been terminated at birth because whoever decided to give her a recurring role on the show needed the sack.

IMO season 9 was better than 1-8 (haven't seen season 10 yet). It might be partly because I'm a fan of Farscape but I think the main reason is season 9 was a lot darker than previous seasons and the threat more dangerous.
I do think they did suffer through the loss of Jack but it was pretty entertaining - I actually thought the two from farscape didn't do too bad a job at all - although Vala was a bit silly at times ... Cameron was a good team leader though - gelled the group once again after they lost Jack :)
Voy06 said:
With the series now ended on TV...

:( :( :(

Just so you all know they have started showing Season 7 now on Sky Two.

Two episodes a week night from 7pm. :)

Todays last one was Orpheus.

One of the strangest Stargate episodes i have seen was The Changeling. Very ood seeing Teal'c like that.
iv watched aload of stargate, but i dont think iv seen a complete series, i think ill have to rent the box sets or something and fill in the gaps. The ori storyline seemed like itd get kinda cool, and i watched it up to the part where they built a supergate etc, with all the assention malarky(i dont understand it since iv obviously missed a number of episodes here and there :P)

Have they axed atlantis? that seemed a bit wierd?

To be honest out of nowhere they started building spaceships, that where i got lost :P
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