start mac mini from keyboard or mouse ??

18 Oct 2002
as title i have mac mini now next to skyhd,, i would like it to start from keystroke or mouse click not have to keep opening cabinet and hitting on of switch..

mouse and keyboard apples wireless (bluetooth) setup no other keyboard on usb,,

can it boot like that please,, like a pc from keyboard etc
Why not just put it to sleep and then wake it up when you want to use it rather than shutting it down?
because its not allwauys on, it more used on the big lcd once or twice a week for web browsing and more often than not left maybe 3-4 days or even a week with no use,,

so its simpler on/off option at weekends i may use it in sleep mode its just longer time scales im talking about,,

thanx anyhow
How about you get an Arduino, a Solenoid, a Switch, some wire and some transistory / resistory parts and make a button presser, you can have fun and make some thing which prods the MacMini button on demand
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