Started KOTOR again :D

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18 Jan 2003
After quitting the game ages ago I decided to give it another blast.
Forgot how good this game is. Ganna have a sit down tonight and play it for hours.
Then after that I might get KOTOR 2, is this an equally better game?

Thanks Luke
KOTOR 2 is good but as you get closer to the end the content starts to become a bit iffy.

It is a shame really, you can tell it was rushed to be out before its release date as there are some parts blatantly missing (and also apparently audio voice over content on the discs that was never used).

KOTOR is the better game but only because it was finished properly.
KOTOR 2 has better gameplay (if you can get it to work, unlike myself...I've given up on it, even tech support don't seem to have a clue) but the storyline wasn't all that great, due to the fact that it was never properly finished. I thought the ending (or at least the one I got, I'm not sure if there are more tbh...probably, but I can't see them being drastically different) was rubbish, it didn't round off the story and I was left thinking 'So what happened then?' when the credits started to roll.

Like I say, I found the gameplay better in KOTOR2, but the storyline isn't a patch on the original (especially that moment in the original where your past is revealed to you...). :)
KOTOR is a better game due to the superior storyline.

HOWEVER, there are a couple of things KOTOR2 has going for it in terms of UI tweaks and forcing you to use a wider variety of characters. So it's still worth playing once you have completed KOTOR.
I loved the first game! especially that moment! It was much better than any of the new star wars movies. Played the second for about an hour and got a headach with all the choices you get on the computers. Might start the second one again and play further this time
My reply to your other thread didn't get you all excited about the game again did it ? :p

As I've said in the other thread, the only realy superiority KOTOR2 has over KOTOR1 is the character influence and force sensitive characters. There are still 2 characters I'm yet to turn to use the force in KOTOR2, and I'll probably do those when I next get round to playing through the game again.
I never turned anyone to use the force :o

I must have done something wrong :D

Gonna have to replay these games though as they are cracking fun :>
Psymonkee said:
I never turned anyone to use the force :o

I must have done something wrong :D

Gonna have to replay these games though as they are cracking fun :>

Well, there are 5 characters that can be turned:
[**Spoilers for KOTOR2 Force Sensitive Characters**]
Handmaiden (You only get if you're male), Atton, Bao Dur, Mira and Diciple (You only get if you're female). They are varied in Jedi Classes, and you turning them to the force will vary on your sex and actions. Atton will turn easily if you're dark, Handmaiden will turn also as Dark, but you need to do some nice deeds. Bao Dur, Mira and Diciple are really light side, and need to see lots of nice things to turn.
[/**Spoilers for KOTOR2 Force Sensitive Characters**]
I played the game as a pretty much neutral character (stayed as jedi guardian or whatever it is) which perhaps explains why I never turned any of my crew into jedi.
I was quite enjoying sitting down playing KOTOR, and then I got to a point in the game were my ship got captured and I ended up having to choose which Character I'd want to escape and help free the others. So I chose the little blue girl, and just as soon as I started there was like a room full of these Sith troopers, loads of them! I managed to obtain a sword and started fighting with them, and it toook agessss just to kill the first trooper, so I wen't away and left the game for like an hour, still hadn't got anywhere, she was still fighting away.

That's what really frustrated me about this game, the speed of the fighting.

Anyway, I tried to do this part about 3 times, eventually got very annoyed and bored with this part and un-installed it.
I think I used the blue girl (Mission) for that bit too. She's a stealthy character which seemed best for sneaking around. I think at the start of that level the best thing to do is try and avoid combat, there's also some 'allies' in other cells you can release to cause a distraction I think(?).
shifty_uk said:
I was quite enjoying sitting down playing KOTOR, and then I got to a point in the game were my ship got captured and I ended up having to choose which Character I'd want to escape and help free the others. So I chose the little blue girl, and just as soon as I started there was like a room full of these Sith troopers, loads of them! I managed to obtain a sword and started fighting with them, and it toook agessss just to kill the first trooper, so I wen't away and left the game for like an hour, still hadn't got anywhere, she was still fighting away.

That's what really frustrated me about this game, the speed of the fighting.

Anyway, I tried to do this part about 3 times, eventually got very annoyed and bored with this part and un-installed it.

My god! You were about 20minutes from the best twist in a game story ever (in my opinion).... ah well, pick a better character next time :p
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