Started my Chillie paste today

5 Aug 2013
My neighbour over the road had some chillies sent to him by his sister from Manchester - Get's them from a market there - Anyway 6 Scotch Bonnets came my way so today they were chopped and diced along with onion - celery - ginger -garlic and put in a large coffee jar and filled with vinegar - also into jar went my home made chillie spice which consists of everything you can think of.

This will now ferment till new year - before then if I need some chillie to spice something up a tablespoon of the vinegar will do - next year the mixture will be sieved and the chillies etc will be blitzed up into a paste and put in a jar - This will then be my chillie mix for any dish that is spicy. Hot isn't the word.:eek:

The blitzed mix is quite wet due to all vinegar in solids so we just scoop a teaspoon out when we cook - George over road has his in a ketchup bottle but he blitzed his with vinegar as well so looks like Tabasco sauce.

He cooks a mean chicken - certainly brings out the sweat - he is the expert as he is from Jamaica way - This is our first year and we still can't get right how much to put in food. - Get it wrong and you can't eat it.

Wife cooked Shepperds pie the other day - said after you put chillie sauce in this -- I am sure it will be in my cup of tea next it seems to be in everything else.

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