Started WoW Again

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
Hey all,

I've started WoW again, and I'm currently a level 16 rogue, and I'm using Zygors In game levelling guide to level. However, I'm finding it slower, maybe because I'm a rogue and it's slow the first levels?

I've levelled a hunter before to 70, and it didn't take long. I'm planning on getting 2levels a day from level 20 forward, as I have other responsibilities. Maybe when I hit 60 to 70, 2levels a day will be hard.

Could any of you guys give me some tips? I get bored and it kind of puts me off playing, basically just forcing myself to get to 70, and get pvp gear as that's where I enjoy playing the most.

Thanks for the input. I'm on Trollbane. I do carry bandages/food, just weapons suck at such a low level, I'm using combat swords for levelling.
I quit, I couldn't be botherd :(. Plus some stuff's come up which won't give me much time to play.

Thanks for the help though guys.
overall the best choice hehe

Lol, some people won't be happy. Just, I feel as I won't be able to play the game to enjoy it, as I'll be busy from now and with Uni around the corner. I do at times miss it though, and get that urge to play. However, once played it just doesn't cut it for me anymore. And levelling from 1-70 is just a pain.
Had the guide in game, one of those new ones. Anyway, uninstalled WoW, seriously can't be botherd, as I won't have time now.
Bah! I've installed it again :rolleyes:, seriously can't make my mind up sometimes. Just going to have to play casually, didn't know about the xp buff from 20-60.
If you mean Zygors levelling guide then yeah that addon. It's an Ingame levelling guide, shows you where you need to go, what quests todo. However, I didn't really like it and will try a different one once the 1.1GB patch is downloaded :rolleyes:.

How long is 4days played in Real Life time? 2-3 Weeks?
Tried the iDemise guide, pretty good for what it is. But Zygors seems better. I quit though, give up for definate. As soon as you want to do something, something always comes up. Typical. :rolleyes:

Ah well. :(
I made a Warrior, Nelf Female. Yeah the racials suck, and I should have rolled a dwarf or gnome. But I've got a soft spot for Nelfs lol.

I'm lvl 11 at the moment and going to go Fury spec for levelling, but weapons? Should I spec sword/sheild all the way to 70, or a 2H Sword? Or even 2x 1H Swords at 20 with duel weild?

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