Starting an electronics engineering degree in April - what computer should I get?

1 Nov 2007
I've got a max budget of about £2000. This is just for a desktop. I'll get the laptop later so I'm wondering what I'll really need. Primarily be about doing maths, writing papers using LaTeX, programming and circuit design. I want to run Linux on it.

Any advice?
Something basic unless you want to do some gaming on the side.

If you don't want to do any gaming, I'd put your entire budget in to getting a nice laptop with an external screen, keyboard and mouse then undock it when you want to go to lectures.

Oh, sorry. I should have said. This is with the Open University so I don't need to go to lectures. I do need a headset though for video conferencing.
Why spend money on a desktop AND a laptop when you can get an external display and a nicer laptop?

I did a year of advanced electronics as part of my degree and you could get away with doing it on a basic office PC.

I have schizophrenia and normally end up in a psychiatric ward from time to time. The laptop is to give myself something to do when bored and ill. The desktop is for real work.
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