Starting over loading windows again???help im kinda new!

26 Jan 2006
So i was having trouble with my "ahem" version of windows, and have just orders a copy of Home XP so i can start over again. Wouldnt mind clearing the systme out anyways.

But was wondering how i go about loading the new version of windows with the old one still on it?is the eve possible?

Do i have to wipe the primary drive and start like i did when i first built the thing?

Or can i put the new windows onto a different HDD (i have one currently empty), and then formatt the the old primary drive.

Sorry to be such a noob, most things i could figure out, but i dont know hot to go about this one.

Cheers for any help!
well stick the xp run it then get to the part where it says delete partition delete partition then create partition format it and carrry on, thats if you havent got anything on your old xp you like to keep.
So if i just transferr what i want to keep from the primary onto another drive it should just format and replace it with the new xp?
if you follow the the steps yes remember if it has a parttition, partition the right drive( normally c: drive ).
plus make sure you bios has boot 2nd device cd enabled.
ok transferr you doc etc.. to the other hard drive, then stick in cd reboot follow the steps.
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Great stuff!

Thanks for the help, looks easier than i thought.......i hate saying that, usually means the worst is about too happin!

Cheers again!
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