starting to crash

18 Mar 2009
i built a pc from here about a month ago and every now and then it will crash. everything will just stop. it dosnt happen in games but if i have lots of browser windows open so i think it might be memory dumps. ill check the temps but last time i checked they where good. it has no overclock but i did change the ram settings to the correct ones as on auto in the bios they where wrong. the crashes happend before but not as often. i have a 4890 so is 620 watt psu enough? thanks.
just had a thought, maybe its power related as the mouse is powered by battery so it works, but the pc powered keyboard goes off
just checked the wires and they seemeed fine although i did re-rout the cpu cable so it was less taut. didnt feel loose though. edit it crashed again. i am running win 7 64 bit if that is important
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just played farcry 2 for a good hour with no problems. but 5 mins running u torrent. its a legal file btw. and it crashes again. only thing i can think of is if it is the wireless internet? maybe the drivers dont like win7. i dont see why it would crash though
coolermaster cm-690 case. western 1 tb HDD cossair 620watt modular. but i dont understand why it only crashes out of games. someone on another forum sugested a faulty hdd?
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