Starting to get an itch.. RSV4 vs RC8R vs S1000RR... or Stick with the 10R

8 Oct 2005
Well the long winter nights are here and as usual i'm starting to get an itch that might be getting scratched early next year...

I currently have a 2008 ZX-10R and if money allows I may be looking at purchasing one of the above bikes. I want to try something different and fancy a V-twin, therefore the RSV4 and RC8R really appeal to me, I also love the looks and noise (RSV4 more so).

I would need to find an extra 5k or so, I will not be buying brand new. I guess the question is do I sink the extra wonga into one of these or just keep the ZX10R and mod it a little more...? it's more than fast enough anyway!

I do about 6,000miles a year including 4 or 5 tracks and a trip to the 'Ring most years.

Obviously I will test all of the above bikes in the new year but just wondered about your opinions? :)
Rsv4 is a v4 not a twin.. its a stunning bike and engine

Yeah sorry I knew that, not sure why i said v-twin!

I'm leaning more towards the rsv4 tbh, love the sound! Only thing that puts me off slightly is that I take the other half as pillion a few times a year (only once or twice) does it even have a rear seat?!

EDIT: yes! It looks like it does. :)
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Yeah it is tiny isn't it! I'm 6ft so it may be to small.. I may look like a gorilla riding a mini moto. :(

She can suffer in pain on the back lol, she doesnt go far anyway!

Will give one a try ASAP :)
@Morbius - I had a Street Triple R, although it was a great bike it just wasn't me. The only Triumph I think i would buy now is the 675R. Might get a test ride on that too.

@Ghosteh - I do love the 1000RR I just think it will be to much like my 10R, or any modern IL4 1000cc bike for that matter. I.e. very, very fast and capable but also slightly to clinical.
Cheers guys and Thanks Persil for the great write up.

Not sure there is much point in getting another normal 1000cc IL4 as my ZX10R already has that base covered and does it's job very well indeed. I just fancy something a little different this time around. (I have always had IL4 bikes.. except a Street Triple)

So test rides are going to be: RSV4, RC8R, 675R, R1 and maybe also a S1000RR to just try it.

May throw in a Duc too.
Cheers Souleh, you're thinking along the same lines as me. My 10R is a great bike and just laughs at me most of the time, If I change it then it's got to be for something that I feel is much better and worth the extra money. I feel that may be hard...!
No hyper tourer things on there? ZZR14, Busa, VFR1200? I think of those I'd go for ZZR14.

Really not my style, they have never really appealed to me... granted I haven't riden many, but i just prefer sports bikes and always have really. :)
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