Starwars - Next gen

Doesn't look like in-game footage to me, and I hope it doesn't give me motion sickness like 99% of all the other StarWars games I've played have done :(
I never get hyped about star wars games anymore, always seem to be a let down (except KOTOR). Hopefully see some in game footage in the not to distant future.
They have the best license to work with ever, so this time they better make proper use of it and create an absolute stonker of a game. If not I will be round at old George’s house to give him a good kicking. If that rendered footage is anything to go by though it seems they are concentrating a lot more of force powers which is what made outcast and academy so good.

Hope they start working on another X-Wing / Tie Fighter game too.
Star Wars games have huge, huge potential to be awesome games on the PC in my opinion, but they never go the full distance. I would love Valve to develop a Star Wars game - that would be stunning. Get the physics right, gameplay right, story right and the graphics right and you will have a huge success.

The element of using forcepowers Dooku Style, or Sidious style (Pod Rage Ep3) could be stunning - I think it could be possible, but outsource it to Valve...please!!!

I think it is a pre-render and the voice acting isn't great, so I will hold judgment, but I like the music.

But yes, I think it's time to do a next gen xwing or tie fighter and base it between Ep3 and 4 - could be awesome.
Looks like the next Jedi Knight game in the series.

Someone help me out, what was the first few?

Jedi Knight (Not played...yet)
Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces (Not played...yet)
Jed Knight: Jedi Outcast (Brilliant game!)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Acadamy (Lacked something special from Jedi Outcast)
eXSBass said:
Looks like the next Jedi Knight game in the series.

Someone help me out, what was the first few?

Jedi Knight (Not played...yet)
Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces (Not played...yet)
Jed Knight: Jedi Outcast (Brilliant game!)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Acadamy (Lacked something special from Jedi Outcast)

The original Dark Forces was a bit lame. Was more or less a Doom clone. After that came Dark Forces 2/Jedi Knight and then the expansion pack Mysteries of the Sith, both were very good. I agree Jedi Academy wasn't as good as Outcast. Not the same without Kyle. :)
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eXSBass said:
Looks like the next Jedi Knight game in the series.

Someone help me out, what was the first few?

Jedi Knight (Not played...yet)
Jedi Knight II: Dark Forces (Not played...yet)
Jed Knight: Jedi Outcast (Brilliant game!)
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Acadamy (Lacked something special from Jedi Outcast)
Call yourself a Star Wars fan and you havn't played some of the best star wars games! :mad: :p

Dark Forces
Doom style graphics, but great story and gameplay, really enjoyable.

Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
A great game, graphically it's dated, and lightsabre fights are pants compared to Outcast, but it's a game you really have to appreciate.

If you havn't played Knights of the Old Republic, you better get buying !! ! ! ! ! :p
Hope they do release a new game to the jedi knight series. Been waiting a while.

That movie is lies though, can tell it isnt a game.
Can't wait for a new Jedi Knight game. I was over the moon when I heard they were finally making JK2: Outcast. I really disliked Academy though, it was a bit pants.

From the looks of this though there are other characters who aren't kyle so its prolly not JK, hopefully something similar though.
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