Static Caravan/Lodges

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Anyone on here got one?

My in laws had a huge 3 bedroom 40' x 20' chalet in Porthmadog around 10 years ago and it was great until my father in law passed away and they sold it. It was pretty expensive though at around £150k plus 4k/yr site fees.

We've recently been chatting about how it'd be quite nice having something similar in North Wales or the Lake District where we could get away for long weekends with the dogs and from what i've seen you can get a reasonable 2 bedroom one for around the £30-£40k mark on a decent smallish looking site with fees around £1500/yr.

Anyone here have one? Would you recommend it? Do you go often enough and still enjoy it? Do you feel it encourages you to get away more often or does it feel like a chain around your ankle where you feel compelled to go because you're paying for it and don't get to explore elsewhere enough.

Any input would be great.

EDIT - Talking about something like this
I'm a long way away from knowledgeable about these things, but one thing I have read which you might want to look into:

The camps where these statics are housed often have rules about how old a caravan can be on their site. In effect, this means that when the caravan reaches that age, it's value drops to almost nothing - because most other sought after sites have the same rule, so the potential buyers (who would also need to be able to transport it) are very limited.

So I believe that they will, in the mid to long term, lose a huge percentage of their value.

Another important factor is that there's often some sort of rule about only being able to use them for 11 months of the year to stop someone just living at the site. Sites differ on whether they choose the month to have a shut down, or allow individuals to decide when they won't be there. (And in the latter case, I suspect they don't really check up on it.)

This is all third hand information, so please do look into it and don't take my word for it at all!

Yes, was similar for my in laws lodge, they didn't allow anything older than 10 (maybe 20) years old. There was then a neighboring site which allowed anything and it felt a lot more run down.

My theory is to treat it as i would a car and just think about it as an annual cost. Say buy it for £40k and if i get 20 years out of it, then it's say £3.5k per year as a cost (including site fees). If you could rent it out for say 3-4 weeks of the year in high season then i'd estimate you could recoup around 2k of that at around £500 a week. Maybe less as time goes on and it's an older model.

That'd then make it around £1500pa for ownership which seems fairly decent providing you get there often enough. If you class it as a B&B at £80/night then it's around 20 nights a year to make it worthwhile (obviously there are other costs such as electric/gas etc and also other benefits over a B&B such as being able to cook and leave things there and have a lot more space)
I bet they very rarely get to stay there. My in-laws have a house in Camber Sands. When they bought it they were encouraging us to go take holidays there. Now, they've got tenants signing annual leases! The same weekends you'd want to go would be the same weekends that would cover your bills.

Not saying it's impossible that it could work, of course.

I think we're less bothered about that. We'd still want a holiday abroad in the summer months, so would happily rent it out for 2-3 weeks during July/August. It's mainly the long weekends spent at the beach which appeal to us. Especially me as i enjoy paddleboarding and the dogs love walks on the beach. I'd also get some great running done in the hills.

In fact the more i think about it, my wife might never see me :D
Haha yeah, best of both worlds in the end :D

Think we'd have gone ahead with it if Covid hadn't been as widespread as it was and enforcing home working which allowed us to emigrate.
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