Stats re-credit

26 Dec 2002
As Berserker has mentioned in another thread he has noticed work being returned but not credited - it seems they have now fixed the problem and will be working on getting and lost credit back where it belongs :)

Due to an update in the server code, some of the servers were too strict in testing WU's upon receipt, leading to unnecessarily rejected WU's and lost points. We have fixed the server issue and we are now working on the recredits. This was fairly pervasive, so the recredits will take a little longer than I'd like, but we hope to get this done today or tomorrow.

From here
Mattus said:
Excellent! Got a feeling that I had a 364-pointer disappear into the abyss a couple of weeks back so hopefully I'll receive some credit for it.
ahh good :)

I honestly don't think I've lost a single WU to this thing - which is a shame as it means 'serker will get an even bigger lead over me :( :p
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