Stax SRD-4 Adapter for the Electret Earspeaker, is it of any use to me

27 Oct 2005
Found this sitting in my car I bought 2 days ago:


Googling gives vague results, it's some sort of adapter for some sort headphone with an odd plug I don't have ??? Is this device of any use to me, I don't have any electret earpeakers or whatever ? Why would one want this in a car anyways? Surely it isn't smart to wear headphones in a car playing music so you can't hear anything else from traffic like an ambulance or whatever ? Or is this some sort of handsfree kit? I really don't know.
I thought some results did say it's some sort of handsfree kit but I have no idea how it's supposed to work I can't see any mics in the car or anything.

I bought a Volvo V40 ( nope, I couldn't afford a ''proper'' V70, it's my first car).
Stax SRD-4 adaptor and SR-40 electret earspeakers. Ear pads are mint with no nicks, no rips. You will be very pleased with this set-up. Amplifier is hooked into back of adaptor and out to speakers. The front switch is utilized to either listen to earspeakers or your loadspeakers. Condition is outstanding in terms of listening pleasure and cosmetics. Cord from earspeakers is approximately 7ft. These earspeakers (headphones) connect to the SPEAKER TERMINALS of your amp, NOT the PHONO PLUG

Looks like it's a studio/home device for converting music form speaker outs to it wired into the stereo?
Looks like it's a studio/home device for converting music form speaker outs to it wired into the stereo?

Odd, I have no idea how or if is plugged/wired in, It just happened to sit there when I got the car :confused:.

Better than my first car. :p

Is it not a socked to the left of the dial?

Looks like it's been rammed in there though. :p

Yea it is I think, the socket is very odd it has 5 holes in a strange shape. See the pic:
The socket is for Stax Earspeakers. Have a search about on google images and if you manage to get one of the connection you will see that it is an odd shape
I see and found a website explaining it all to me, now the question is, should I get it out and flog it, or should I go hunt on ebay for some headphones ( and use it in the car or at home?) :p ? Or just leave it ?
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