Steam Broadcasting

28 Oct 2003
Looks like Valve are going after Twitch. Anyone tried this yet? I don't think my net connection would be good enough.

Starting today you can watch your friends’ games with the click of a button via Steam Broadcasting, now available in beta. When you see a friend in game, simply click on "Watch Game" from their profile or from the Steam Client Friend's List to open a window into their gameplay -- no game ownership, special fees, or additional apps required.

The beta is open to everyone on Steam who wants to participate by opting in to the Steam Client beta through the Steam Settings panel. For the time being, concurrent viewing may be limited as the beta is scaled up to support the broader audience.

It's interesting in that it's all completely automatic. You only start broadcasting when someone requests to watch you.
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Ooh that is cool. Liking this. Still a load of rubbish that ea games can't be bought or played via steam. I'd love to use steam streaming to play Inquisition on my big screen downstairs but nooooo. Origin only. This is another cool feature that will be another plus for steam.
Ooh that is cool. Liking this. Still a load of rubbish that ea games can't be bought or played via steam. I'd love to use steam streaming to play Inquisition on my big screen downstairs but nooooo. Origin only. This is another cool feature that will be another plus for steam.

Add it as a non steam game, then you can stream it to any device you like. It is how I play Fifa on my laptop in bed.
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Oh snap really? So doing that this weekend!

Yeah most games will work by just adding them as a non steam game and you can stream them as per normal. I personally have tried about 30 that are not steam games from my old retail collection. EA wise the only one that did not seem to work was Shift 2 no idea why and I never bothered to work it out.
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