Steam Client Woes

20 Oct 2009
Grangemouth, Scotland
I loaded up my steam client yesterday to find out the password, that I've not recently changed, seems to be wrong.
I use Lastpass to store most of my passwords so checked here and yep it's what I thought it should be but doesn't work on the steam site either.

Using the steam client, I go through the motions of retrieving account info but when it gets to the point of sending my the email verification code I'm not getting an email from them so can't go any further.

I've raised a ticket on the support site and am awaiting a reply from last night but still nothing.
Can anyone think of another way of resetting my password or anything else I could do?? Everything I've seen online pretty much says "must use the client to reset passwords" :(
as far as im aware there isn't away of changing it without the client software, shame it cant be done via their website

with regards to the e mails have you checked the junk folder etc to make sure its not gone in there?
Yeah, checked all the folders and not seeing anything.
Only thing I can think that I've not tried is to disable my av... Suppose it's possible it could be blocking the client sending the request or something
My friend has had his account stolen around 10 days ago, he is not on my friends list and he cannot access his account, email and username changed etc.

He contacted steam that day but is still awaiting a response, could be a similar issue?
Nikumba - Not able to log into the website, just get 'Incorrect Login'

My friend has had his account stolen around 10 days ago, he is not on my friends list and he cannot access his account, email and username changed etc.

He contacted steam that day but is still awaiting a response, could be a similar issue?
This is what I'm thinking to be honest. Hope it doesn't take them that long!! sounds pretty poor!
I've supplied proof of ownership in the support ticket with the email from steam showing my last purchase and the corresponding receipt from Paypal so hopefully that proves something.

It's times like this you just wish there was a number you call them on and get it all sorted!
Well a little up date 2 weeks later.

Got an email last night from Steam Support saying they'd reset my account password and as a 1 off they'll reset any actions that'd taken place on my account since I reported the issue.
Got logged back in and immediately changed my password and ensured Steam Guard was active, everything seems as I left it apart from the fact my profile name had changed (not the account name) and my country was still set to Taiwan.

Just in time for the Summer Sale!!!

Still can't think how this happened as I regularly scan my PC with MSE and Malwarebytes and it always comes back clean, could have just been a random account hack I suppose.
If Steam guard was enabled originally, could it have been your email account was compromised? Might be worth updating password and any security questions for that too.
That's maybe a shout, never had reason to doubt my email account but I suppose I can't rule anything out at the moment!
Is your email with Outlook/Hotmail? I sometimes never receive these emails from Steam, even them emails I request when connecting to a new device. If I wait a day and try again it then will seem to come through, so the emails not coming through could be a server related thing between Steam / Hotmail
as others have said change your steam password and your e mail one as well.

had anything been done on the account or just the name change?
Is your email with Outlook/Hotmail?

It's a Gmail account, I keep an eye on my spam folder but can't say I've ever noticed the emails from them either if I'm being honest.
One thing that did annoy me, last night I was able to reset my password and received the email but when trying to reset my security question the steam cleint kept telling me it'd failed and to try again later.

as others have said change your steam password and your e mail one as well.

had anything been done on the account or just the name change?

If anything had been done it was reversed before I was given the new password and nothing was mentioned in the email so I don't know.

Certainly going to be employing more secure passwords in the future.
I had to whitelist the steam support email a few years ago before I could see their emails - they wouldn't even make it to junk, just be held up by my provider for sometimes days.

I'll see if I can find the address to add when I get home.
It's a Gmail account, I keep an eye on my spam folder but can't say I've ever noticed the emails from them either if I'm being honest.
One thing that did annoy me, last night I was able to reset my password and received the email but when trying to reset my security question the steam cleint kept telling me it'd failed and to try again later.

If you use web gmail you could periodically check "Activity on this account" in bottom right to see last ten log-ins. Not sure if it tracks all mobile devices that connect if they use mobile data allowance instead of Wi-Fi.
If you use web gmail you could periodically check "Activity on this account" in bottom right to see last ten log-ins. Not sure if it tracks all mobile devices that connect if they use mobile data allowance instead of Wi-Fi.

Do this.

Also check your deleted items, whoever did it may have deleted the steam guard emails after getting the details from them, but not fully deleted them.
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